How To Play: Connections

Connections strategy guide focuses on optimal tile placement, resource management, and strategic alliances. Place tiles on edges first, manage resources wisely, and form smart alliances. Follow these rules and your friends will know who's boss. For detailed 'How To Play connections' strategies, check out our full guide.

Ready to become a master at your favorite board game? This guide has you covered! We’ll outline the game rules and share the best strategies to help you win. So grab your friends, set up the game, and let’s get rolling. You’re about to become the board game champion in no time!


What’s in the box

  • 1 game board
  • 100 tiles
  • 4 player boards
  • 60 resource tokens
  • 40 connection markers
  • 12 special action cards
  • 1 rulebook

How To Play Connections: Rules Summary

  1. First, lay out the game board and place the tiles face down in the center.

  2. Then, give each player a reference card and select a starting player.

  3. Next, distribute five tiles to each player. They should keep these hidden from others.

  4. Finally, place the remaining tiles in a draw pile.

  1. On your turn, you’ll draw a tile from the pile.

  2. Then, place one tile on the board. The tile must connect to at least one existing tile.

  3. After placing a tile, check if you created a connection. If yes, score points based on the connection strength.

  4. End your turn by drawing another tile, ensuring you always have five tiles.

  1. The game ends when the draw pile is empty and a player places their final tile.

  2. The player with the highest score wins.

  3. In case of a tie, the player with the most connections wins.

Special Rules & Conditions
  1. If a player cannot place a tile, they must skip their turn and draw two tiles as a penalty.

  2. Players can place a tile that blocks other players’ connections, adding a strategic element.

  3. Bonus points are awarded for creating a connection with rare tiles.

Now you know How To Play Connections! Go ahead and connect away!

Best Connections Strategies

Mastering Optimal Tile Placement

Optimal tile placement can win you the game. Here’s how to do it right:

1. Prioritize Edges First

Always start with the edges. They offer strong bases for expanding your tiles.

  1. Edges provide structure.
  2. They limit the directions your opponents can use.

2. Match Symbols

Placing tiles that match symbols maximizes your points.

  1. Look for matching patterns.
  2. Use wildcards wisely.

3. Block Opponents

Be sneaky. Place tiles to block your opponents’ moves.

  1. Watch their strategy.
  2. Place tiles to hinder their progress.

Following these steps guarantees a solid path to victory. Now, go place those tiles like a champ!

Resource Management Mastery: Your Guide to Victory!

Winning in board games often comes down to how well you manage your resources. Here’s how you can stay ahead of your rivals:

Prioritize Key Resources

Focus on gathering the resources that give you the most bang for your buck.

  1. Identify what’s most scarce.
  2. Hoard those first.

Balance Your Spending

Don’t blow your stash all at once. Instead:

  1. Invest wisely.
  2. Save for crucial moments.

Trade Smartly

Barter to fill gaps.

  1. Offer resources you don’t need.
  2. Get what’s critical in return.

Don’t Neglect Defense

A strong offense starts with a solid defense.

  1. Allocate resources to security.
  2. Fortify your position.

Managing resources well can set you up for a win every time. Try these tips and watch your game improve.

Winning with Strategic Alliances

When playing board games, forging alliances can be a game-changer. Here’s how:

Choose Your Allies Wisely

  1. Pick players who complement your weaknesses.

  2. Avoid those with conflicting goals.

Communicate Openly

  1. Share your plans to build trust.

  2. Keep an eye on their actions for consistency.

Keep It Mutually Beneficial

  1. Ensure your alliance helps both parties.

  2. Be open to renegotiations for continued benefit.

Know When to Exit

  1. End the alliance if it turns one-sided.

  2. Avoid burning bridges; you may need them again.

By following these guidelines, you’ll master the art of strategic alliances and steer your way to victory!

# Victory Awaits, Connect Wisely!

And there you have it, folks! The ultimate strategy guide to dominating Connections. Remember, it’s not just about placing tiles; it’s about placing them smartly. Always think a few moves ahead, manage your resources like a seasoned hoarder, form alliances that would make politicians jealous, and know when to stab—er, I mean, sever those connections. So gather your friends, break out the box, and show them who’s boss! May your connections be strong and your scores even stronger. Game on!

Want to know what we think of Connections? Read our detailed review of Connections here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.