How To Play: Colorado

Colorado is a fun game with key strategies in card management, risk assessment, and scoring. Components include Expedition and Adventure Cards, tokens, and a rulebook. Mastery involves evaluating hands, predicting opponents, and balancing risk and reward. Always remember to enjoy and have fun mastering Colorado.

Hey folks! Today, we’re diving into a game that’s close to my heart – Colorado. In this guide, I’ll outline not just the rules but also the top strategies to help you win. Trust me, you’ll want to stick around for this one!


What’s in the box

  • 5 Expedition Cards
  • 56 Adventure Cards
  • 12 Wild Cards
  • 1 Scoring Pad
  • 5 Marker Tokens
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play Colorado: Rules Summary


  1. Shuffle the deck of Expedition cards and place it face down in the center.

  2. Each player draws a starting hand of five cards.

  3. Place the Scoring Pad and Marker Tokens within reach of all players.

  4. Choose a start player randomly.


  1. Draw a card from the deck and place it in front of you.

  2. Decide whether to place another card or start an expedition with your current set.

  3. If you start an expedition, calculate the score and place the cards in a discard pile.

  4. Play continues clockwise until all cards are played.


  1. Total your expedition scores on the Scoring Pad.

  2. The player with the highest score wins!

Special Rules & Conditions

  1. Wild Cards can substitute any card to complete an expedition.

  2. Players can trade cards with the discard pile once per game.

  3. Double points are awarded for expeditions that use all ten cards.

Best Colorado Strategies

Mastering Card Management in Colorado

Effective card management can make or break your game. You need to plan your moves strategically to outsmart your opponents. Here are some key strategies to help you manage your cards like a pro.

Prioritize Card Collection

  1. Focus on collecting cards that align with your existing sets.
  2. Avoid taking cards that might benefit your opponents more.

Plan for Future Moves

  1. Think ahead and consider how your card choices will impact later rounds.
  2. Leave some card options available for crucial moments.

Balance Risk and Reward

  1. Don’t be afraid to take a calculated risk when it can pay off big.
  2. But, avoid risky moves that might set you back significantly.

Adapt to Changing Situations

  1. Stay flexible and ready to adjust your strategy as the game evolves.
  2. Watch your opponents and adapt based on their actions.

Mastering Risk Assessment to Boost Your Chances of Winning

When playing Colorado, risk assessment becomes your best friend. You often need to balance between playing it safe and going bold. Here’s how:

1. Evaluate Your Hand

Look at your hand and decide if you should play or discard. Don’t take unnecessary risks.

  1. Avoid holding too many high-risk cards.
  2. Keep track of what your opponents are doing.
  3. Monitor the discard pile.
2. Predict Opponent Moves

Keep an eye on opponents. Often, their actions will tell you a lot.

  1. Note what they pick and discard.
  2. Consider their strategy.
  3. Use their habits to inform your own decisions.
3. Timing Your Plays

Timing can make or break your game. Play your cards at just the right moment.

  1. Don’t hold onto cards for too long.
  2. Act quickly when you see an opportunity.
  3. Sometimes, taking a risk early pays off.

Mastering Scoring Strategies in Colorado

Winning at Colorado often comes down to mastering your scoring strategies. Let’s break it down.

Maximize Your Card Values

  1. Always prioritize high-value cards.
  2. Collect cards of the same color to score big.
  3. Avoid low-value cards unless necessary.

Plan for Endgame

  1. Know when to stop collecting cards.
  2. Ensure you have the highest possible score by final calculation.
  3. Minimize points lost to negative cards.

Track Opponents’ Moves

  1. Always keep an eye on what others are collecting.
  2. Deny them cards they need.
  3. Adjust your strategy based on their plays.

Balance Risk and Reward

  1. Take calculated risks when necessary.
  2. Weigh the potential score gain against the risk of drawing unwanted cards.
  3. Remember: sometimes, playing it safe is better.

Mixing these strategies can lead to a winning game, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition. As always, practice makes perfect. Try these tips next time you play Colorado!

## Master Colorado Like a Pro: Final Thoughts

You’ve learned the ropes, grasped the strategies, and now you’re ready to conquer. Remember, card management is crucial, but reading your friends’ moves is the secret sauce. Mix up your tactics, keep an eye on the score, and don’t forget to have a blast. The game is meant to be fun, so even if you don’t always come out on top, enjoy the wild ride! You’ll soon be a Colorado champ, terrifying your friends with your cunning moves and sneaky strategies.

Now, go out there and show ‘em what you got! How To Play Colorado like a master is just the beginning.

Want to know what we think of Colorado? Read our detailed review of Colorado here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.