How To Play: Civilization – Setup, rule summary and strategy

Discover key strategies within this guide to master 'How To Play Civilization.' From insightful city placements, judicious civilization choice, and balancing tech with military might, every decision crafts your path to victory. Dive into a realm where strategic thinking reigns supreme.


Welcome, newcomers and veteran rulers alike! Today, you’re in for a treat. Not only will this guide outline the fundamental game rules in ‘Civilization,’ but you’ll also gather the best strategies to crown you the victor. So ready your settlers and prepare for a journey — we’re about to make your path to triumph as smooth as an ancient trade route.

What’s in the box

  • Rulebook
  • Game Board
  • 8 Civilization Mats
  • 8 Plastic Markers
  • 49 City-States (with tokens)
  • 32 Civilizations Leader Cards
  • 60 Cultural Identity Cards
  • 50 Wonder Cards
  • 250 Plastic Military Units
  • 6 Price Markers
  • 6 Non-resellable Market Cards
  • 180 Buildings (in six colors)
  • 120 Embankments (in six colors)
  • 60 Naturalists
  • 50 Army Figures
  • 1 First Player Marker
  • 28 City State Flags
  • 150 Currencies (coins)
  • Dice

How To Play Civilization: Rules Summary

Setting Up Your Civilization

  1. Select a civilization and its corresponding leader. Consider each leader’s unique traits and bonus abilities.
  2. Prepare the game board, featuring the world map. Place initial units: set up your first city and scout surrounding areas.
  3. Shuffle and deal out culture cards, ensuring each player has their inaccessible pile.

The Flow of Gameplay

  1. Gather resources to expand your civilization—choose production, focus on growth, trade or military might.
  2. Engage in diplomacy or warfare with neighboring empires. Play smart; balance is key to success.
  3. Advance through tech trees, deciding which technologies to research and which will benefit your end goals.

Vying for Victory

  1. Assess the available paths to victory: cultural, technological, or military conquest. Adjust strategies as the game progresses.
  2. Monitor rivals closely; keep tabs on their progress and anticipate their decisions to thwart their plans and advance your own.

Handling Special Rules & Conditions

  1. Examine each civilization’s special abilities. Use yours to your advantage and adapt your gameplay based on others’ powers.
  2. Adapt to changing conditions: climate events, resource scarcity, and random incidents from drawn cards.
  3. Solidify strategic alliances, but remain vigilant—circumstances may necessitate a shift from partner to competitor quickly.

No matter the challenge, remember that in Civilization, the strongest does not always wield steel; brilliance is also being quick-witted, versatile, and visionary. May your journey through the ages lead to ultimate success and glory!

Best Civilization Strategies

The Crucial First Step: Picking Your Power

When diving into ‘How To Play Civilization,’ choosing the right civilization aligns with your playstyle and endgame goals. A strategic selection catapults you toward victory. Start by considering each civ’s unique advantages. Focus on traits that boost your preferred gameplay, be it military conquest or cultural dominance. Secondly, review the leader abilities, which can massively tilt the balance early on. Lastly, let’s not forget about unique units or infrastructures; these can spearhead your strategy, carving a path through your foes.

Strategically Analyze Civ Traits

Scrutinize Leader Abilities

Capitalize on Unique Aspects

The Art of City Settlement in Civilization

Conquering the ‘How To Play Civilization’ game, city placement is fundamental. Initial placement affects the entire game!

Analyze the Terrain

Seize tiles with diverse resources. Proximity to rivers and mountains offers bonuses, vital for growth and defense.

Space Your Cities

Too close, they suffocate; too far, they’re vulnerable. Mind strategic locations regarding resources, defense, and area control.

Maximize District Efficiency

  1. Prioritize locations enhancing district bonuses.
  2. Plan for long-term adjacency bonuses; they accumulate significantly.
  3. Consider future expansion, balance immediate needs with strategic development.

Optimizing Might and Mind in Civilization

In ‘How To Play Civilization,’ managing the delicate balance between research advancement and military strength is crucial. Prioritize techs that bolster your overall strategy while remaining vigilant against enemies.

    Assess Immediate Threats

  1. Gauge nearby civilizations’ military prowess.
  2. Prioritize Key Technologies

  3. Choose research that complements your game plan.
  4. Adapt with Diplomacy

  5. Form alliances when military lags behind.
  6. Manage Resource Allocation

  7. Invest in economy to fund future military.
  8. Scheduled Military Updates

  9. Regularly upgrade units to stay formidable.

A Conqueror’s Parting Wisdom

There you have it, future leaders and tacticians! After delving into the depths of ‘How To Play Civilization’ and arming yourself with the strategy secrets unearthed, remember that every game unfolds a new narrative. The flexibility to adapt, the wisdom to choose battles wisely, and the foresight to plan are the keystones of your empire’s legacy. As I’ve seen in countless play sessions, games can pivot on small decisions – may yours lead you to a glorious victory. Now go forth, build wonders, and write history!

Want to know what we think of Civilization? Read our detailed review of Civilization here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.