How To Play: Chaos in the Old World – Setup, rule summary and strategy

Quick Summary

In Chaos in the Old World, you embark on a strategic journey as a chaos god, vying for dominance over the mortal realm. With its immersive gameplay, unique factions, and depth of strategy, Chaos in the Old World captivates players' attention, providing a thrilling and dynamic experience. Through faction analysis, players can harness the strengths and abilities of each chaos god to tailor their strategies. Territory control becomes essential, as players strategically deploy units, disrupt opponents, and spread corruption. Effective resource management ensures the optimization of power points, warpstone acquisition, and card usage. Player interaction injects diplomacy, alliances, and deceptions into the gameplay, adding layers of intrigue and strategic maneuvering. By mastering these aspects and employing winning strategies, players can achieve victory by fulfilling their faction-specific objectives and accumulating victory points. Chaos in the Old World offers a challenging and rewarding board game adventure, where careful decision-making, adaptation, and tactical finesse pave the way to becoming the supreme chaos god. Are you ready to conquer with chaos?


Welcome to our comprehensive strategy guide for Chaos in the Old World! In this guide, we will dive into the intricate details of this gripping board game and explore the best strategies to ensure your path to victory in the dark realms of chaos.

Chaos in the Old World offers a rich and immersive experience, where players take on the roles of powerful chaos gods vying for control and dominance over the mortal realm. In this guide, we will provide you with a thorough outline of the game rules, demystifying the unique mechanics and abilities of each faction. Whether you are new to the game or a seasoned player, understanding the rules is crucial for decision-making and devising effective winning strategies.

Furthermore, we will delve into the depths of strategy, offering valuable insights and tips to maximize your chances of triumph. From tactical territory control and resource management to player interaction and faction analysis, we will explore each aspect of the game, providing you with tried and tested winning strategies.

So, prepare yourself for an adventure into the realms of chaos as we equip you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to conquer your opponents and emerge as the ultimate chaos god.

What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 1 Ruination Track
  • 4 Faction Sheets
  • 4 Plastic Figures (Greater Daemon)
  • 28 Plastic Figures (Opponent Units)
  • 1 Bag of Plastic Units (Pubbets)
  • 30 Dial Wheels
  • 1 Ruin Token
  • 25 Warpstone Tokens
  • 4 Power Sheets
  • 177 Cards
  • 1 Current Event Token
  • 1 Bloodthirst Track Token
  • 1 Blood God Daemon Activation Token
  • 83 Telluric Daemon Activation Tokens
  • 1 Nurgle Rampage Daemon Activation Token
  • 1 Facade of Tzeentch Daemon Activation Token

How To Play Chaos in the Old World: Rules Summary

Game Setup

  1. Place the game board and the ruination track in the center of the play area.
  2. Each player selects a chaos god faction sheet and places their respective plastic figure on the appropriate starting location.
  3. Place the plastic figures and units according to the setup instructions on the board.
  4. Distribute player sheets, power sheets, warpstone tokens, and dial wheels to each player.
  5. Shuffle the cards and create the decks according to their types specified in the rulebook. Place the top card from each deck face up.
  6. Assign the starting player and place the current event token on the starting position of the event track.

Game Phases

  1. Power Phase: Players receive power points based on their current warpstone tokens and any other special abilities.
  2. Action Phase: Players take turns performing actions, including deploying units, moving units, attacking, upgrading abilities, and playing event cards.
  3. Doom Phase: Check for corruption victory conditions, advance the ruination track, check the current event, and resolve any necessary consequences.

Turn Actions

  1. Deploy Units: Pay power points to place units on controlled locations.
  2. Move Units: Spend movement points to move units to adjacent regions.
  3. Attack: Use action points to initiate combat with opponent units in the same region.
  4. Upgrade Abilities: Spend power points to increase the effectiveness of faction-specific abilities.
  5. Play Event Cards: Utilize event cards to gain advantages, hinder opponents, or alter the game state.

Winning the Game

  1. Victory is determined based on the objectives specific to each chaos god faction.
  2. Earn victory points by spreading corruption, conquering regions, completing quests, or fulfilling specific conditions.
  3. The game can end when a certain number of power and corruption markers are placed on the board or when a player reaches the required victory point threshold.
  4. The player with the highest number of victory points or who fulfills the ultimate chaos victory condition wins the game.

Chaos in the Old World is a strategic game where players control powerful chaos gods competing for dominance. By following the setup instructions, understanding the game phases, taking the appropriate turn actions, and striving to reach victory conditions, players can immerse themselves in the chaos-driven world and create memorable tabletop experiences.

Best Chaos In The Old World Strategies

Faction Analysis

Faction selection in Chaos in the Old World plays a crucial role in developing a winning strategy. Each faction has its own unique abilities and powers that greatly impact gameplay. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each faction is essential for achieving victory. Let’s delve into the faction analysis and explore strategies for each:

Khorne – The Blood God

  1. Focus on aggressive gameplay, prioritizing combat actions.
  2. Exploit the faction’s ability to gain high victory points through battles.
  3. Dominate the board through constant aggression and conquest.

Tzeentch – The Changer of Ways

  1. Utilize manipulation and control with the faction’s ability.
  2. Focus on gaining strategic advantages through careful card management.
  3. Maximize the faction’s teleportation abilities for quick and surprise actions.

Nurgle – The Lord of Decay

  1. Focus on spreading corruption and maximizing the faction’s resilience.
  2. Utilize area control strategies by overwhelming regions with corrupted units.
  3. Exploit the faction’s ability to generate victory points over time through persistent corruption.

Slaanesh – The Prince of Pleasure

  1. Utilize the faction’s speed and mobility to outmaneuver opponents.
  2. Focus on manipulating player interactions through negotiation and alliances.
  3. Exploit opportunities to gain victory points through subterfuge and deception.

Choosing the right faction and understanding its optimal strategies can greatly increase your chances of victory in Chaos in the Old World. Each faction brings a unique playstyle and different paths to success. By analyzing each faction’s strengths and tailoring your strategies accordingly, you can dominate the world as your chosen chaos god.

Territory Control

Territory control is a critical aspect of achieving victory in Chaos in the Old World. Controlling key regions allows you to amass power, influence, and gain an upper hand over your opponents. Here are key strategies to master territory control:

Strategic Placement of Units

  1. Deploy units strategically in regions with high win/loss probabilities.
  2. Control areas with valuable resources or bonuses to strengthen your faction.
  3. Spread your forces to maintain a steady foothold across the board.

Disrupting Opponents

  1. Target and undermine your opponents’ presence in crucial regions.
  2. Launch surprise attacks to seize and weaken their controlled territories.
  3. Interrupt opponents’ strategies by denying their access to crucial areas.

Corruption and Subversion

  1. Spread corruption strategically to gain control over vital regions.
  2. Exploit the chaos and unrest caused by corruption to disrupt opponents’ positions.
  3. Invest in upgraded corruption abilities to strengthen your hold on controlled territories.

Defensive Control

  1. Bolster defense in territories you control to repel opponents’ attacks.
  2. Focus on fortifying areas for prolonged control and resistance against rival incursions.
  3. Optimize your defense against specific challenges posed by opponents’ factions.

Mastering territory control is paramount to achieving success in Chaos in the Old World. By employing strategic unit placement, disrupting opponents’ control, harnessing the power of corruption, and skillful defensive play, you can establish dominance over the game board. Remember, controlling territories not only grants you resources and power but also shapes the course of your path to victory.

Resource Management

Effective resource management is a key strategy in achieving victory in Chaos in the Old World. Properly allocating and utilizing resources can provide you with a significant advantage over your opponents. Here are essential strategies for resource management:

Power Point Utilization

  1. Maximize power points by planning your actions efficiently.
  2. Prioritize actions that yield greater benefits or hinder opponents’ progress.
  3. Balance between upgrading abilities, deploying units, and playing event cards.

Warpstone Acquisition

  1. Strategically acquire warpstone to gain access to powerful abilities and units.
  2. Utilize the warpstone economy to outpace opponents’ resource generation.
  3. Consider long-term benefits when deciding between immediate gain and investing in warpstone accumulation.

Objective-driven Approach

  1. Align your resource management with the objectives specific to your chaos god.
  2. Invest resources in areas where they can contribute directly to victory point accumulation.
  3. Adapt your resource allocation based on the changing status of objectives throughout the game.

Efficient Card Management

  1. Strategically draw and play cards to leverage their benefits at opportune moments.
  2. Manage cards to counter opponents’ actions or reinforce your dominant position.
  3. Optimize card usage based on the objectives and dynamics of the game.

Meticulous resource management is vital to your success in Chaos in the Old World. By wisely utilizing power points, acquiring warpstone strategically, aligning resources with objectives, and managing cards efficiently, you can gain an edge over your opponents and advance towards victory. Remember, your resources are valuable tools that can fuel your ascent to domination!

Player Interaction

Player interaction is a vital aspect of succeeding in Chaos in the Old World. Outmaneuvering your opponents, forming alliances, and employing deception can greatly impact your path to victory. Here are key strategies for effective player interaction:

Negotiation and Alliances

  1. Craft temporary alliances to collectively achieve common objectives.
  2. Bargain for support or concessions from other players in exchange for mutual benefits.
  3. Use diplomacy to divert attention and form unexpected alliances to gain the upper hand.

Targeted Interference

  1. Analyze opponents’ strategies and identify their weaknesses to interfere effectively.
  2. Disrupt opponents’ plans by targeting vulnerable regions or units.
  3. Strategically destroy or block opponents’ units to diminish their progression.

Deception and Misdirection

  1. Conceal your true intentions and mislead opponents to gain an advantage.
  2. Sow doubt and uncertainty by making unexpected moves or withholding information.
  3. Create diversions to divert opponents’ attention away from your true strategy.

Understanding Opponent’s Motivations

  1. Analyze opponents’ playing styles and motives to predict their actions.
  2. Adjust your strategies based on opponents’ priorities and potential moves.
  3. Identify and exploit opponents’ weaknesses by undermining their intentions.

Effective player interaction is essential for success in Chaos in the Old World. By skillfully negotiating alliances, disrupting opponents’ plans, employing deception, and understanding their motivations, you can shape the game to your advantage. Remember, in a world consumed by chaos, mastering the art of interaction can be the key to emerging as the ultimate conqueror!

Winning Strategies

To emerge victorious in Chaos in the Old World, employing a strong and adaptive strategy is essential. A combination of effective faction-based tactics, tactical decision-making, and opportunistic maneuvers can secure your path to triumph. Here are effective strategies for achieving a win:

Exploit Faction Strengths

  1. Fully comprehend your faction’s unique abilities and play to its strengths.
  2. Optimize your movements, actions, and unit deployments based on the strengths of your chosen faction.
  3. Adapt your strategy to capitalize on your faction’s prowess in combat, corruption, or manipulation.

Balancing Aggression and Defense

  1. Adopt a balanced approach by strategically deploying aggression and defense.
  2. Recognize when to pursue offensive tactics and when to focus on consolidating your forces for defensive stability.
  3. Seize opportunities, utilize surprise attacks, and defend your controlled territories strategically.

Flexibility and Adaptability

  1. Stay flexible and adapt your strategies based on the unfolding board situation.
  2. Assess the changing dynamics, adjust your tactics, and respond to opponents’ actions accordingly.
  3. Readjust priorities, seize new opportunities, and adapt your approach to keep pace with the game’s flow.

The Power of Timing

  1. Master the art of timing your actions to maximize their impact.
  2. Calculate the optimal moment for surprise assaults, corruption-spreading, or interference.
  3. Observe opponents’ vulnerabilities and strike when their defenses are weakened.

These winning strategies emphasize understanding your faction’s strengths, maintaining a delicate balance between aggression and defense, being adaptable, and leveraging timing advantageously. By adopting a thoughtful and informed approach and adjusting your tactics to the ever-changing game board, you can seize the power of chaos and claim victory in Chaos in the Old World.


Congratulations, you have now reached the end of our comprehensive strategy guide for Chaos in the Old World! Armed with a thorough understanding of the game rules, faction analysis, winning strategies, and gameplay mechanics, you are ready to embark on your path to victory in the realms of chaos.

Remember, Chaos in the Old World is a game of strategic decision-making, fierce territorial battles, tactical resource management, intriguing player interaction, and adaptable gameplay. By employing the best strategies, adapting to changing circumstances, and capitalizing on the unique abilities of your chosen chaos god faction, you can manipulate, conquer, and dominate the world.

We hope this guide has provided valuable insights and tools to enhance your gameplay experience. Embrace the darkness, harness the power of chaos, and shape the destiny of the realms. May your path be filled with triumphant victories and riveting confrontations!

Now, go forth and may the chaos gods favor your every move in Chaos in the Old World!

Want to know what we think of Chaos in the Old World? Read our detailed review of Chaos in the Old World here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.