How To Play: Bunny Kingdom – Setup, rule summary and strategy

Bunny Kingdom is a game of strategy, focusing on draft selection, fief management, resource timing, and upgrades. In this guide, we've covered the essential strategies, including understanding the score system, resource management, and mastering card drafting and expansion to win the game.


Welcome to the thrilling world of Bunny Kingdom, a game of adorable conquest and strategic might. As newcomers to this fuzzy fray, you might be seeking guidance on how to emerge victorious in this bunny battle. You’re in luck! In this post, we’ll go beyond simply outlining the game rules. We’ll delve into a deep burrow of strategies, uncovering the best techniques to ensure your reign as the top bunny. From card drafting tactics to resource management, this guide promises to groom you into a bunny baron in no time!

What’s in the box

  • 1 Game board
  • 144 Rabbit figurines
  • 39 City figurines (divided into levels 1, 2, and 3)
  • 24 Token figurines (2 sets of 12)
  • 182 Exploration cards
  • 4 Player aids
  • 1 Rule book
  • 1 Score pad
  • 35 Golden carrot coins
  • 50 Plastic towers
  • 16 Building tokens

How To Play Bunny Kingdom: Rules Summary

Ready for a hop into the world of regal rabbits and strategizing for your kingdom’s supremacy? Buckle up; here’s your introductory guide on how to establish your burrow-ruling empire in Bunny Kingdom!


  1. Place the main game board in the center.
  2. Give each player a set of twenty bunnies in their chosen color.
  3. Shuffle the exploration cards and deal a certain number to each player depending on the player count.
  4. Prepare the draw piles of exploration cards, the golden carrots (score trackers), and coins.
  5. Arrange the cities (wooden castles), resources, and other pieces next to the game board for general access.


  1. At the beginning of each round, players draft cards, selecting one and passing the rest to their neighbor.
  2. Place bunnies on the board to claim territory according to the coordinates on the drafted cards.
  3. Construct buildings or cities when the drafted cards allow.
  4. Collect and manage resources, strategically using them to grow your fiefs.
  5. Players may negotiate but must always work towards expanding their individual fiefs efficiently.


  1. Score points by multiplying the number of towers in your fief by the number of different resources it produces.
  2. Golden carrots track players’ scores throughout the game on the score tracker.
  3. Scoring happens at the end of each round; however, most scoring occurs during the game’s finale.
  4. The player with the most golden carrots after the final round is declared the ruler of Bunny Kingdom.

Special Rules & Conditions

  1. If two players wish to claim the same territory, they must negotiate or the later claim is invalid.
  2. Use parchment cards for special bonuses, but strategize, as they only score at the end.
  3. Trading among players is not allowed. Each player must strategize their own path to victory.
  4. When building a city, every added tower increases your scoring potential dramatically—choose wisely when and where to build.
  5. Magic resources, such as wizards or unique structures, offer powerful boosts and effects not to be overlooked.

Best Bunny Kingdom Strategies

Mastering Bunny Kingdom: A Deep Dive into Scoring Success

Listen up, fellow bunny overlords, understanding scoring is not just important, it’s crucial in our quest for kingdom domination! Let’s hop straight into how your burgeoning fiefs can skyrocket your score in ‘Bunny Kingdom’.

A Quick Overview of Fiefs

Fiefs form the backbone of your bunny empire. Every patch of territory you control, every carrot you harvest, adds to a fief. But it’s not just about size; it’s the golden combo of wealth (number of different resources) and strength (number of towers) that multiplies your might.

Building a Prosperous Fief

  1. Firstly, synergy is key. Cultivate fiefs where resources complement each other. A patch of wood here and a mine there might add to your wealth, but pair that mine with a corresponding city building to truly unlock its potential.

  2. Secondly, expansion is a dance. Stretch too thin, and you’ll find your empire is just an empty warren of weak points. Expand with purpose, ensuring each new territory bolsters an existing one.

  3. Thirdly, timing is everything. Yes, early aggression in claiming lands pays off, but convenience claims during card drafting can subtly secure pivotal resources, strengthening your fiefs when rivals least expect it.

Creating a High-scoring Dominion

It’s not just about sprawling across the map; carefully consider each plot’s strategic value. Connectivity matters; isolated territories count for naught. Picture your kingdom as a garden – you wouldn’t just plant seeds haphazardly. You’d plan, ensuring each carrot bed feeds into the next, creating a flourishing, intertwined network. That’s how you build a high-scoring dominion.

Mastering the Draft: Strategic Card Selection Meets Calculated Conquest

Winning in Bunny Kingdom hinges on your ability to not just recognize powerful card combinations but to construct a tableau that will enable robust territorial expansion. Here, balance is key.

Understanding the Drafting Mechanics

Firstly, acknowledging the richness of the drafting pool empowers one’s stratagem. Each pass of the cards delivers opportunity laced with agonizing decisions. Initially, you may be tempted to hoard resource cards but remember, a broad fief is a strong fief.

Scouting for Synergy

Improving your drafting game comes from seeking synergy over sheer accumulation. Instead of picking the highest point card, analyze how the new card fortifies your existing fiefs. Perhaps a modest parchment card predicates a prosperous future.

Strategically Shaping Your Kingdom

  1. Contemplate the consequences: Every card holds potential, especially when it’s a unique resource that can complete a diverse fief.
  2. Surveillance is key: Keep a razor-sharp awareness of drafting trends. Monitoring what your opponents are discarding refines your foreknowledge.
  3. Multiplier magnificence: Prioritize cards that can multiply your wealth through clever combos. A well-placed building can transform a fief.

Adaptive Expansion Tactics

Lastly, let’s discuss expanding imperatively. Expand when and where it significantly impacts your score—sometimes the smallest fiefs offer the largest payouts in the later stages. Here, anticipate turns ahead, lay groundwork with every card, and cultivate fiefs with relentless precision.

Mastering the Ebb and Flow: Resource Management and Timely Upgrades in Bunny Kingdom

As I discovered during countless playthroughs, the pivotal aspect of Bunny Kingdom involves resource management and the impeccable timing of building upgrades. Properly navigating these waters can lead you to rule over a bustling rabbit empire!

Strategically Allocate Resources

Each decision in Bunny Kingdom influences your later moves, making efficient allocation essential.

  1. Assess the scarceness of different resources and prioritize their acquisition early on.
  2. Monitor fellow players to predict which resources might become hotly contested.
  3. Diversify your resource inputs to buffer against any potential shortages.

Timing Building Upgrades

When to upgrade is just as crucial as where to expend resources. Keeping an eye on the pace of the game will optimize your building strategy.

  1. Upgrade during scoring rounds to maximize point surges.
  2. Avoid early overcommitment to upgrades without assessing future territory expansions opportunities.
  3. Capitalizing on ‘cakes’, the universal resource, can vastly improve building upgrade efficiency.

Durable Over Expansive

Quality often trumps quantity in Bunny Kingdom. Focus on fortifying rather than spreading too thin.

  1. Invest in strong, resource-rich fiefs that guarantee high scores every round.
  2. Keeping upgrades continuous and strategic creates sustained growth over spotty expansion.

Mastering the Magic of Bunny Kingdom

There you have it, every aspiring ruler of these fluffy fields should now be equipped with the knowledge to conquer Bunny Kingdom! Remember, the key to triumph lies in understanding the intricate score system, mastering the ebb and flow of card drafting, securing the most prolific fiefs, timing your building upgrades, and not to mention, the clever management of resources. Tackle each game session with nimbleness akin to a bunny, strategize with the cunning of royalty, and watch your kingdom flourish. May your journey through uncharted territories lead you to a bountiful conquest, and most importantly, may the fun hop into your game nights endlessly!

Want to know what we think of Bunny Kingdom? Read our detailed review of Bunny Kingdom here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.