How To Play: Bruxelles 1893 – Setup, rule summary and strategy

Bruxelles 1893 is a strategic game blending artful resource management with savvy architect placement. To reign supreme, you should adeptly manage resources, wisely place architects, and utilise bonuses with Art Nouveau elements. Understanding nuances of each phase and putting these strategies into action will pave your way to victory.


Welcome to the ultimate guide for ‘How To Play Bruxelles 1893’! In this comprehensive overview, I’m sharing a concise outline of the game’s rules, sprinkled with personal insights, and the very best strategies my gaming circle and I have discovered for clinching victory! Whether you’re a seasoned art nouveau architect or a curious newcomer, brace yourself — these tips will pave your path to triumph in the bustling heart of Belgium’s capital.

What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 1 Art Nouveau Board
  • 5 Player Boards
  • 5 Screens
  • 12 Workers
  • 100 Houses (20 per color)
  • 45 Bonus Cards
  • 25 Artwork Cards
  • 40 Glass Panes (24 small, 16 large)
  • 5 Architect’s Houses
  • 12 Public Figure Cards
  • 60 Belgian Francs (various denominations)
  • 1 Atelier
  • 1 Hot Air Balloon (First Player marker)
  • 1 Year Marker
  • 1 Liberty Pawn
  • 5 Victory Point Markers
  • 1 Score Pad
  • 1 Rule Booklet

How To Play Bruxelles 1893: Rules Summary

Welcome to the architectural splendor of Bruxelles 1893! This game combines art, history, and complex strategy in one enthralling experience. Below are the key rules to help new players grasp the game and strategize their way to victory.


  1. Place the main board in the center.
  2. Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding architects, assistants, and player board.
  3. Distribute starting resources and money as indicated in the rules.
  4. Position the Art Nouveau board and the Brussels board side by side.
  5. Shuffle and place bonus cards, artworks, and materials near the board.


  1. Each turn, choose between placing an architect on the Art Nouveau or Brussels board.
  2. Perform the action where you placed your architect or use an assistant’s benefit.
  3. Manage resources wisely to construct buildings and artworks.
  4. Gather victory points through buildings, artworks, and bonuses.


  1. The game ends after five rounds – count scoring from buildings, stakes in Art Nouveau, and bonuses.
  2. Tally up victory points from different game elements.
  3. The player with most victory points wins the game.

Special Rules & Conditions

  1. Activate Art Nouveau cards for powerful one-time benefits.
  2. Strategically place assistants to block spaces or secure actions for future turns.
  3. Use resource exchanging wisely to remain adaptable.
  4. Manage your ‘justice’ balances to avoid penalties.

Best Bruxelles 1893 Strategies

Mastering the Art of Resource Management in Bruxelles 1893

Effective resource management is the cornerstone of success in Bruxelles 1893. To flourish, you must judiciously allocate your workers and materials, ensuring you’ve got the right assets at the right times. Remember, initially, focus on a balance between gaining money and acquiring materials.

Strategize Worker Placement

  1. Assess opponent strategies and counter with cunning placements.
  2. Anticipate the action spaces likely to grant maximum benefit.

Optimize Resource Usage

  1. Match your resources to your architectural goals promptly.
  2. Vary your investments to avoid shortages and overreliance.

Leverage Art Nouveau Cards

  1. Use Art Nouveau cards to boost resource efficiency strategically.
  2. Refresh your card selection regularly to keep competition guessing.

Mastering the Art of Architect Placement

The strategic placement of your architects in Bruxelles 1893 cannot be overstated. It’s a delicate dance of assertion and restraint, securing crucial spots while anticipating your rivals’ moves. Transitioning swiftly between aggressive expansion and subtle positioning is key.

    Central Board Dominance

  1. Claim vital central board positions early to ensure resource and action availability.
  2. Peripheral Vision

  3. Don’t ignore the periphery; these positions can offer unexpected opportunities and bonuses.
  4. Opponent Disruption

  5. Watch your opponents carefully; sometimes placing an architect is more about blocking them than benefitting yourself.
  6. Efficient Use of Assistants

  7. Combine your architect placements with assistants to optimize actions and conserve valuable resources.

Mastering Bonus and Art Nouveau Elements

Effectively utilizing bonuses and navigating Art Nouveau can propel you to victory in Bruxelles 1893. Accordingly, adopting a tactical approach is crucial. Prioritize Art Nouveau spaces offering immediate benefits aligning with your strategy. Efficiently timing the use of bonuses can turn a good move into a game-winning one. Consider the following tips:

Early Game Bonuses

  1. Focus on bonuses that boost your resource engine.
  2. Leap ahead with construction bonuses for a swift start.

Mid-Game Momentum

  1. Target bonuses facilitating major builds or critical actions.
  2. Adapt to the flow, capitalizing on unforeseen bonus opportunities.

Late-Game Power Plays

  1. Choose high-scoring bonuses to maximize your endgame surge.
  2. Strategically deploy Art Nouveau to deny opponents and cement your lead.

Becoming a Master Architect

After diving deep into ‘How To Play Bruxelles 1893’ and exploring the intricacies of resource management, architect placement strategy, and the clever utilization of bonuses and the Art Nouveau, you’re now equipped with the insights needed to up your game. Remember that every game of Bruxelles 1893 is a chance to refine your approach and outmaneuver your opponents. The most successful architects will adapt their tactics to the evolving tableau and seize opportunities as they arise. Good luck and may the best architect rise to prominence in the heart of Belgium!

Want to know what we think of Bruxelles 1893? Read our detailed review of Bruxelles 1893 here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.