How To Play: Brew

Master Brew with strategic resource management, action sequencing, and timely upgrades. Collect and trade resources smartly, optimize your moves, and keep an eye on opponents. Understand the game's flow and adapt your strategies to stay ahead. Trust your instincts and aim for victory in the magical forest!

Welcome, fellow board game enthusiasts! If you’re trying to master Brew, you’ve come to the right place. This guide covers everything from the game rules to top-notch strategies for outsmarting your friends and snagging that victory. Get ready to brew up some fun with these tips and tricks.


What’s in the box

  • 4 Player Boards
  • 80 Custom Dice
  • 36 Forest Cards
  • 20 Animal Companion Cards
  • 32 Potion Cards
  • 1 Season Board
  • 36 Forage Tokens
  • 24 Element Tokens
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play Brew: Rules Summary

  1. Choose a color and take all the dice, tokens, and markers of that color.

  2. Place the main board in the center of the table.

  3. Shuffle the deck of cards and deal out the starting hand to each player.

  4. Set up the resource pools with the appropriate tokens.

  5. Randomly determine the starting player.

  1. Roll your dice at the start of each round.

  2. Players take turns placing one die at a time on the board until all dice are placed.

  3. Perform actions based on the placement of your dice and cards.

  4. Collect resources and use them to brew potions or gain other benefits.

  5. After all actions are taken, resolve end-of-round events.

  1. The game ends after a set number of rounds.

  2. Players tally their victory points from brewed potions, controlled areas, and special achievements.

  3. The player with the most points wins the game.

Special Rules & Conditions
  1. Some cards have unique effects that may alter standard actions.

  2. If a tie occurs, the player with the most brewed potions wins.

  3. Special events might trigger additional rounds or change game dynamics.

Best Brew Strategies

Mastering Resource Management in Brew

Managing resources can make or break your game. You must collect, trade, and use them wisely. Here’s how:

1. Collect Resources Efficiently

  1. Always plan ahead. Gather the resources you’ll need for future actions.
  2. Use the resources of the season to your advantage. They vary, so keep an eye out.

2. Trade Smartly

  1. Trade what you have in excess. It’s all about balance.
  2. Always consider the future value of resources before trading.

3. Use Resources Strategically

  1. Spend resources on upgrades wisely. Don’t splurge early, save for timely upgrades.
  2. Allocate resources for actions that give you the most benefits over time.

So, keep a keen eye on your resources. Make every choice count, and you’ll be on your way to mastering Brew!

Mastering Action Sequencing to Win Brew

Winning Brew takes more than luck. You need to perfect your action sequencing. Here’s how:

Know Your Priorities

  1. Identify key actions that impact your long-term strategy.
  2. Always start with actions that give you the best resources.
  3. Don’t waste actions on minor gains early on.

Plan Ahead

  1. Think two or three moves ahead to stay ahead of your opponents.
  2. Anticipate how others might react to your moves.
  3. Make decisions that keep your options open.

Adapt Quickly

  1. Stay flexible to adjust your strategy based on new information.
  2. Be ready to pivot if your original plan isn’t working.
  3. Use opportunities presented by others’ mistakes.

Optimize Timing

  1. Use critical actions at the right moment for maximum effect.
  2. Time your moves to disrupt your opponents’ plans.
  3. Execute key actions when they will yield the highest benefits.

Mastering Timely Upgrades in Brew

Winning Brew often hinges on timely upgrades. Let’s dig into some key strategies:

Understand the Upgrade Path

  1. Know what each upgrade does.
  2. Plan which upgrades to prioritize.

Transitioning to the next point…

Watch Your Opponents

  1. Observe their upgrade choices.
  2. Adapt your strategy accordingly.

Moving forward…

Stay Flexible

  1. Be ready to switch plans.
  2. Use upgrades to counter threats.

Remember, timing is everything. Keep these tips in mind and brew up a winning strategy!

Master the Forest, Conquer the Game

We covered a lot, didn’t we? From managing your potions to timely upgrades, you now have the tools to brew like a pro. Remember, every game of Brew is different, so stay flexible and adapt your strategy. My friend Gina once turned a losing game around by focusing on resource management when she was behind. So, trust your instincts and aim for that magical victory. Happy brewing!

Want to know what we think of Brew? Read our detailed review of Brew here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.