How To Play: Blood on the Clocktower – Setup, rule summary and strategy

Blood on the Clocktower is an engaging social deduction game, steeped in strategic depth. Mastering character roles, effective communication, and advanced bluffing techniques are key elements to outwit your opponents and win. This guide illuminates strategic paths for both newcomers and experienced players to enjoy and succeed.


Welcome to the thrilling world of Blood on the Clocktower — a fascinating blend of deceit, strategy, and social deduction that can test the wits of even the most experienced gamers. If you’re here, you’re likely looking to deepen your understanding of this intense game or maybe you’re a newcomer eager to get started right away. Either way, you’re in for a treat.

This comprehensive guide doesn’t just skim the surface by outlining the rules of the game; it dives into the nitty-gritty tactics that can elevate your gameplay to grandmaster status. The journey doesn’t end at ‘How To Play Blood on the Clocktower’ basics. Strap in as we traverse through the three core elements of gameplay: truly embodying your character via a deep understanding of the roles and abilities, leveraging articulate communication and timely information sharing, and finally, mastering the art of misdirection and insight through advanced bluffing and deduction techniques.

Whether you play as a humble villager striving for survival or a crafty Demon aiming to wreak havoc, success in Blood on the Clocktower is a multifaceted affair which demands wit, guile, and keen judgment. Read on, for the path to victory begins with mastering these cornerstone concepts.

What’s in the Box

  • 1 Storyteller’s Grimoire
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 240+ Unique player character tiles
  • 29 Allegiance tokens
  • 70+ Notepad sheets
  • 8 Reference sheets
  • 35+ Tokens for tracking information
  • 1 Game board cloth

How To Play Blood on the Clocktower: Rules Summary

Setting Up The Storm

  1. Gather all players, decide on a Storyteller, and ensure everyone is seated in a circle.
  2. The Storyteller hands out roles in secret, each player should look only at their own character’s abilities.
  3. Every player privately declares their role to the Storyteller.
  4. The Storyteller records all characters and ensures the correct balance of good and evil roles for the chosen game script.

The Thrills of Night and Day

  1. Each game day is split into a night phase, where the Storyteller wakes up players privately to use special abilities, and a day phase for public discussion.
  2. During the dawn, the Storyteller announces any deaths that occurred in the night.
  3. Players discuss, deduce, and level accusations during the day. A vote is held to execute a suspect.
  4. Evenings signal the end of the day’s discussion, voting, and when the circle goes to sleep.

Strategies for Victory

  1. Good team wins by eliminating all the evil players, while Evil wins when their number is equal to the Good townsfolk or they cannot be stopped from achieving this state.
  2. Good players should strive for accurate information sharing and Protecting key characters.
  3. Players on the evil side should focus on misinformation, bluffing, and causing doubt among townsfolk.

The Devil Is In The Details: Special Rules & Conditions

  1. The Storyteller has the final say in interpreting abilities and must manage any edge cases or rare interactions between abilities.
  2. Some characters have once-off abilities that require Prudent timing or lifespan consideration before activation.
  3. When a protection ability clashes with an attack at night, the Storyteller needs to carefully direct the outcome consistent with the rules.
  4. There may be a critical character whose Traitorous revelation could swing the direction of the game instantly.

Best Blood On The Clocktower Strategies

Mastering the Mystery: Character Roles & Abilities Unlocked

When it comes to ‘How To Play Blood on the Clocktower’, nothing trumps knowing your character inside and out. The game is rich with diverse roles, each brimming with unique abilities that can sway the game. Whether you’re a townsfolk, outsider, minion, or demon, clarity on your role’s powers – and limitations – is key to steering the game in your favor.

Embrace Your Character’s Purpose

  1. Understand your role’s objective. Are you working to save the village, or are you crafting its downfall? Align your actions to serve this purpose.

  2. Interpret the nuances. Some abilities may seem straightforward, but their strategic deployment matters. When do you reveal your ability? What’s the best timing for maximum impact?

Fine-Tune Ability Timing

  1. Identify the pivotal moments. Watch for opportunities when your abilities could pivot the suspicion away from an ally or foil an enemy’s plan.

  2. Determine the value of information. Your character might grant invaluable insights; knowing when to disclose this could change the game’s direction.

Adapt to Evolving Scenarios

  1. Stay flexible. The game’s dynamic nature means your character’s role can suddenly shift in value. PaiEnsure you’re prepared to pivot strategies accordingly-feints may turn to essential truths in the course of one evening!

  2. Collaborate with your allies, and remember, even in heated debates, teamwork can spell the difference between victory and defeat!

  3. Practice makes perfect. The more you employ your abilities, the sharper your instinct will become for wielding them effectively.

The Art of Deception and Clarity: Mastering Communication in Blood on the Clocktower

Effective communication can be the sharp edge of your sword in ‘How to Play Blood on the Clocktower’. Timing, precision, and sifting through lies are all pivotal to your strategy. Winning can hinge on what you share, how you share it, and who you trust.

Build Trustworthy Relationships

  1. Forge early alliances. Seek out those who corroborate your story or reveal truths about their roles.
  2. Maintain a consistent narrative. This stability in your story establishes credibility among your peers.

Strategic Information Reveal

  1. Reveal critical information selectively. Drop pivotal clues only to those who have proven trustworthy.
  2. Mask full truths with half-revelations to protect against eavesdropping minions.

Active Listening

  1. Tune into subtle cues. Decipher valuable insights from the tableau of conversations swirling around you.
  2. Contextualize every piece of information within the broader scope of the game’s progression.

Remember, while sharing is critical, misinformation can tilt the scales just as effectively. Ensuring smooth, strategic, and controlled dialogue could steel you against manipulation and escort you to victory.

<H3 master the Art of Deception and Logic: Bluffing and Deduction in Blood on the Clocktower

In the shadowy depths of ‘Blood on the Clocktower’, where whispers can be as deadly as actions, understanding the interplay of bluffing and deduction doesn’t just add thrills—it’s your lifeline. As someone who’s navigated these murky waters countless times, trust me, there’s nothing like the rush of outsmarting your friends through crafty deceit and sharp wits.


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The Clock Strikes Victory: Concluding Strategies

Now that we’ve journeyed through understanding character roles, effective communication, and the intricate art of bluffing and deduction, you’re much closer to mastering How To Play Blood on the Clocktower. Strategy is the heartbeat of this mesmerizing game, pulsing through every decision, conversation, and suspicion. Recall the lessons learned and stories shared from our own nights of deception and clever gameplay. Use them as your compass to navigate the twisting avenues of Ravenswood Bluff. Trust is a valuable currency; spend it wisely. Information is your lantern in the darkened streets; wield it deftly. Whether you step into the shoes of a helpful Townsfolk, an insidious Demon, or a mysterious Outsider, your path to victory will be paved with the strategies we traversed together. Embrace the chaotic dance of deceit and protect your truth with a steadfast heart. My friends and I have found success and uproarious laughter by keeping these strategies in our playbook. Now, it’s your turn. As the clocktower chimes, signaling the start of a new game, stand prepared, propelled by knowledge and ready to claim victory from the clutches of uncertainty. Or, as I like to say, let’s turn the tide of fate and aim to outwit, outplay, and outlast in the enthralling world of Ravenswood Bluff. Good luck, have fun, and may your strategies lead you to become the master of the clocktower!

Want to know what we think of Blood on the Clocktower? Read our detailed review of Blood on the Clocktower here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.