How To Play: About Time

About Time is a game that needs good team coordination, smart resource management, and knowledge of timeline events. Communicate well, trade smartly, and stay adaptable to succeed. This strategy guide wraps up with key tips and humor, all while explaining How To Play about time.


Welcome to our ultimate guide for About Time! In this post, you’ll find an outline of the game rules and the best strategies for winning. We’ve played hours with friends, so you get tips straight from the field. Whether you’re just starting or looking to up your game, you’re in the right place. Let’s uncover the secrets to mastering About Time!

What’s in the box

  • 1 Game Board
  • 6 Player Pieces
  • 120 Event Cards
  • 60 Resource Tokens
  • 1 Time Crystal
  • 1 Rulebook

How To Play About Time: Rules Summary

Welcome to the wacky world of About Time! Here’s a rundown to get you started on this time-traveling adventure.

  1. Unbox all components and lay out the game board.
  2. Each player chooses a character and takes the corresponding player card.
  3. Shuffle the timeline event cards and draw five to place in the center of the board.
  4. Distribute ten resource tokens to each player.
  5. Place the starter marker at the beginning of the timeline track.
  1. Players take turns in a clockwise order.
  2. On your turn, draw a timeline event card and follow its instructions.
  3. Spend resource tokens to influence events, gain advantages, or thwart opponents.
  4. Move your character along the timeline track based on the outcomes of events.
  5. Collaborate with or challenge other players to achieve your objectives.
  1. The game ends when a player reaches the final spot on the timeline track.
  2. Count your points based on achieved objectives, remaining resources, and character bonuses.
  3. The player with the highest total points wins the game.
Special Rules & Conditions
  1. If a timeline event causes a paradox, resolve it by flipping the paradox token.
  2. During a tie, engage in a duel by drawing and resolving three special challenge cards.
  3. When your character is stuck, use a reset token to rewind to your previous position.

So there you have it – the nuts and bolts of How To Play About Time. Now, grab your friends, and let the time-travel chaos begin!

Best About Time Strategies

Winning with Timeline Events in About Time

Mastering Timeline Events is crucial to winning in About Time. First, understand the events and their impact.

1. Study the Event Deck

  1. Know the cards: Familiarize yourself with each card in the event deck, so you’re never surprised.
  2. Memorize key events: Pay particular attention to events that can make or break your strategy.

2. Time Your Moves

  1. Act fast: Strike when a beneficial event is coming up.
  2. Stay patient: Wait if an unfavorable event is near.

3. Adapt Quickly

  1. Be flexible: Adjust your strategy as new events unfold.
  2. Communicate: Keep your team informed to adapt together.

The Secret to Mastering Resource Management

Track Your Supplies

First, make sure you know what resources you have. Keep a close eye on your supplies.

  1. Create a list of all your resources.
  2. Update the list after every turn.
Prioritize Resource Allocation

Next, decide what’s most important. Sometimes you have to make tough calls.

  1. Focus on high-priority tasks.
  2. Save resources for critical moments.
Trade Smart

Be ready to trade with other players. Trading can change the game.

  1. Offer trades that benefit both parties.
  2. Bargain tough but fair.
Plan Long-Term

Think ahead! Don’t just hoard resources for immediate gains.

  1. Set long-term goals.
  2. Adjust your strategy as the game progresses.
Adapt Quickly

Finally, adapt to changing conditions. Sometimes your plan needs a tweak.

  1. Stay flexible.
  2. Be willing to switch tactics.

Mastering Team Coordination in About Time

Winning About Time means working well with your team. Follow these steps to ensure everyone is on the same page and ready to win.

Clear Communication

  1. Set regular check-ins.
  2. Use clear signals for urgent moves.
  3. Explain your moves to teammates.

Assign Roles

  1. Let each player focus on a specific task.
  2. Rotate roles to keep it fresh.
  3. Support each other in these roles.

Synergize Moves

  1. Combine your actions for maximum effect.
  2. Plan multi-turn strategies during downtime.
  3. Adapt to new strategies on the fly.

Build Trust

  1. Encourage each other.
  2. Be honest about your limitations.
  3. Celebrate small wins together.

### Time to Shine and Win!

And that’s a wrap, folks! You’ve walked through the secrets, tips, and golden nuggets to mastering About Time. When I played with my pals, we quickly learned that a dash of strategy sprinkled with a pinch of wit is the way to victory. Don’t forget the keyphrase ‘How To Play about time’—it’s your ticket to glory. Now go out there, impress your friends, and claim that championship title. Remember, it’s always about time… until next time!

Want to know what we think of About Time? Read our detailed review of About Time here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.