How To Play: 7 Wonders – Setup, rule summary and strategy

Quick Summary

In the engaging world of 7 Wonders, victory awaits those who strategize wisely and adapt tactically. Master the art of card drafting, efficiently manage your resources, select and utilize wonders strategically, navigate player interactions with finesse, and formulate effective endgame scoring strategies. By doing so, you can forge a civilization that dominates its rivals in military prowess, scientific advancements, or economic supremacy. As you progress through Ages I, II, and III, make impactful decisions, balance short-term gains with long-term goals, and obtain victory points from various sources. Observing opponents' choices, negotiating mutual benefits, blocking resource access, forging alliances, and capturing strategic moments are all crucial actions within this world of fierce competition. In the end, the empire that accumulates the most victory points, whether through military conquests, scientific breakthroughs, grand architectural wonders, or cunning guild card acquisitions, emerges triumphant. Prepare to embark on an enthralling civilization-building experience as you guide your civilization to success in the beautiful and strategic game of 7 Wonders.


Welcome to the ultimate strategy guide for 7 Wonders, a board game of ancient civilizations and strategic decision-making. Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and strategies to enhance your gameplay and increase your chances of victory.

In this comprehensive guide, we will not only provide an outline of the game rules but also delve into the most effective strategies for achieving success. From card drafting and resource management to wonder selection and utilization, we will cover key aspects of the game that will help you develop a winning edge.

You can expect detailed insights on crucial subjects such as player interaction tactics and endgame scoring strategies. Mastering these strategies will enable you to navigate the game with skill and finesse, adapting your approach to counter opponents and maximize your scoring potential. Our comprehensive breakdown of these topics will equip you with the knowledge you need to dominate the ancient world.

Whether you prefer military dominance, scientific advancements, or economic prowess, this guide has you covered. By effectively implementing the strategies presented herein, you can forge a flourishing civilization, dominate your opponents, and claim victory in 7 Wonders!

What’s in the box

  • 7 Wonder Boards
  • 7 Wonder Cards
  • 49 Age I Cards
  • 49 Age II Cards
  • 50 Age III Cards
  • 46 Conflict Tokens
  • 7 Wonder Building Cards
  • 1 Scorebook
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 2 “7” Coins

How To Play 7 Wonders: Rules Summary

1. Game Setup
  1. Each player is given a civilization board corresponding to their chosen civilization.
  2. Separate the game cards into three different Ages: Age I, Age II, and Age III.
  3. Place the corresponding number of cards for each Age face-down in a row (the card pyramid), with Age I at the bottom and Age III on top.
  4. Give each player three coins to start the game.
2. Gameplay
  1. Each Age consists of a number of rounds equal to the number of players.
  2. During each round, players simultaneously choose and play one card from their hands.
  3. Players can construct the chosen card by paying the required resources or discard it to gain coins. Players then pass the remaining cards to their neighbors in a specific direction.
  4. After playing the chosen card, players can then use its effects, which may include gaining resources, military strength, scientific advancements, or victory points.
  5. Some cards also have special effects that can affect gameplay or provide additional advantages.
3. End of Age and Scoring
  1. After all the cards of an Age have been played, players compare the military strengths of their neighboring civilizations and gain victory points or lose them accordingly.
  2. Players then calculate their scientific advancements and gain victory points depending on the sets of symbols they have collected.
  3. Finally, players discard and score any guild cards they have obtained during the Age.
4. End of the Game and Final Scoring
  1. After completing Age III, players tally up their victory points from all sources, including military strength, scientific advancements, buildings, and wonders.
  2. The player with the highest total victory points is declared the winner.

With an understanding of these rules, you are ready to embark on your journey to build the greatest civilization in 7 Wonders. Remember to strategize, adapt, and make the most out of the opportunities presented to you!

Best 7 Wonders Strategies

Card Drafting Strategies

Mastering the art of card drafting is crucial for achieving victory in 7 Wonders. This strategy involves carefully selecting and prioritizing cards from your hand, while considering both immediate benefits and long-term goals. Here are some effective card drafting strategies to help you secure a winning edge:

1. Determine Your Gameplan
  1. Focus on Military Dominance: Acquire military cards that bolster your military strength, enabling you to conquer neighboring civilizations.
  2. Embrace Scientific Advancements: Prioritize science cards that allow you to advance scientific knowledge and earn valuable victory points.
  3. Optimize Resource Production: Strategically choose cards that increase your resource production to ensure a steady supply for constructing buildings and wonders.
2. Balance Your Economy
  1. Invest in Trade: Acquire cards that give you access to profitable trade routes and provide a steady flow of coins.
  2. Maximize Resource Efficiency: Aim to obtain cards that minimize resource costs, allowing you to build structures efficiently.
  3. Exploit Synergies: Look for cards that complement each other and create powerful synergistic effects when combined.
3. Keep an Eye on Your Neighbors
  1. Observe Card Flow: Pay attention to the cards your neighbors are selecting to anticipate their potential strategies and adjust your own accordingly.
  2. Implement Blocking Tactics: Prevent opponents from acquiring crucial cards by selectively picking options that deny them access to specific card types.
  3. Strategically Foster Cooperation: Collaborate with neighboring players by trading resources and ensuring mutual benefits.

By implementing these card drafting strategies, you can maximize your chances of victory in 7 Wonders. Remember, adaptability and strategic thinking are key in selecting the right cards to propel your civilization to greatness!

Resource Management Tips

Effective resource management is essential for success in 7 Wonders. To optimize your civilization’s growth and secure victory, consider the following resource management tips:

Prioritize Resource Acquisition
  1. Invest in Resource-Generating Cards: Acquire cards that provide a steady stream of resources, ensuring a reliable supply for construction.
  2. Balanced Acquisition: Strive to acquire a diverse range of resources to meet the varying requirements of different cards.
  3. Preemptive Planning: Anticipate the resources you will need in future Ages and gradually secure them to avoid scarcity later on.
Efficient Resource Conversion
  1. Maximize Resource Efficiency: Aim to select cards that offer favorable resource conversion rates or provide bonuses for specific resource types.
  2. Utilize Scientific Progress: Develop scientific advancements that grant special benefits, such as resource discounts or bonuses.
  3. Consider Trading: In contexts where acquisition is challenging, trade surplus resources with neighboring civilizations to maintain resource balance.
Flexible Use of Resources
  1. Strategic Reserve: Keep a reserve of resources for instant tactical play or emergency construction.
  2. Adaptability: Adjust your resource allocation based on changing circumstances, such as shifting strategies or the actions of your opponents.
  3. Optimize Card Selection: Select cards with unnecessary resource costs that align with your resource surplus to minimize wasteful spending.

By implementing these resource management tips, you can allocate your resources effectively, ensuring a flourishing civilization and an increased probability of victory in 7 Wonders.

Wonders Selection and Utilization

Choosing and effectively utilizing wonders can greatly influence your chances of victory in 7 Wonders. Here are some strategies to help you make the most out of these iconic structures:

Strategic Wonder Selection
  1. Consider Special Abilities: Prioritize wonders that provide unique, game-changing abilities that align with your chosen strategy.
  2. Scout Neighbor’s Choices: Analyze the wonders chosen by your neighbors and choose either tactical blocking wonders or complementary wonders.
  3. Balance Resource Costs: Select wonders with a balanced mix of resource requirements to ensure a smooth construction process.
Timing and Utilization
  1. Construct Diversely: Prioritize building different categories of wonders to gain a wide range of benefits, focusing on both immediate advantages and long-term values.
  2. Strategically Activate Wonders: Activate your wonders at the right time to maximize their benefits, such as timing them to align with specific card plays or for gaining crucial victory points in strategic moments.
  3. Influence Other Civilizations: Create wonders that impact other players’ civilizations, influencing their abilities or benefiting from mutual effects.
Levers for Victory
  1. Focus on Point Generation: Choose wonders that offer victory points directly or indirectly, either through their base abilities or special interactions.
  2. Defensive Fortifications: Pick wonders that provide military advantages, helping to fend off attacks and bolstering your defenses.
  3. Increase Resource Potential: Utilize wonders with special abilities that increase your resource production capacity or grant resource advantages.

By expertly selecting and utilizing wonders in your civlization, you can leverage their unique advantages to gain a strategic edge and improve your chances of victory in 7 Wonders.

Player Interaction Tactics

Strategically navigating player interaction is key to success in 7 Wonders. Employing effective tactics can help you gain an advantage over your opponents. Here are some player interaction strategies that can propel you towards victory:

Observation and Alteration
  1. Analyze Pick Patterns: Take note of the types of cards your opponents are prioritizing and adapt your strategy accordingly.
  2. Strategic Card Blocking: Selecting cards with specific resources or abilities that deny your opponents critical options can disrupt their plans.
  3. Flexible Decision-Making: React and adjust your gameplay based on changes in your opponents’ strategies and card choices.
Cooperation and Negotiation
  1. Resource Trade: Collaborate with neighboring civilizations to establish mutually beneficial resource trading arrangements.
  2. Alliance and Assistance: Forge temporary alliances to protect shared interests or hinder common opponents.
  3. Building Agreements: Negotiate favorable terms for construction, such as helping complete a Wonder in exchange for resources or beneficial card placements.
Military Maneuvers
  1. Military Conflict Timing: Time your military aggression strategically by launching attacks at vulnerable moments to disrupt opponents’ plans and weaken their civilization.
  2. Defensive Measures: Build up a solid defense early on to deter adversaries from targeting your civilization.
  3. Threat Evaluation: Assess the state of military strength among opponents and allocate appropriate resources to ensure you maintain a competitive advantage.

By utilizing these player interaction tactics effectively, you can steer the outcomes in your favor, manipulating the actions of other players and gaining a crucial edge towards victory in 7 Wonders.

Endgame Scoring Strategies

Planning and executing effective endgame scoring strategies can be the difference between victory and defeat in 7 Wonders. Here are some strategies to optimize your scoring potential as the game nears its conclusion:

Diversification for Victory Points
  1. Expanding Your Structures: Focus on constructing a diverse range of buildings to maximize victory points earned from special building abilities or sets of cards.
  2. Pursue Diverse Science Symbols: Strategically collect science cards to form complete sets or a variety of symbols, maximizing points through the science scoring mechanism.
  3. Wonders and Victory Points: Prioritize wonders that provide victory points directly or synergize with other cards to amplify your endgame scoring potential.
Leveraging Technology and Military Strength
  1. Scientific Breakthroughs: Invest in science cards that grant significant endgame scoring opportunities, such as those that provide bonus points per set or connective symbols.
  2. Military Dominance: Boost your military strength to gather a potential bonus or take advantage of the endgame military scoring, leaving opponents at a disadvantage.
  3. Strategic Use of Leaders: If playing with the Leaders expansion, tactically employ leaders to boost your final scoring through their abilities and the corresponding city card structures.
Stealing Endgame Points
  1. Effectively Use Guild Cards: Prioritize guild cards that can accumulate points during endgame scoring by targeting specific sets of structures or military strengths.
  2. Anticipate Neighborhood Actions: Observe and adapt your strategies to your neighbors’ developments, potentially utilizing actions, wonders, or buildings that counter or score from them.
  3. Monitor Discarded Cards: Keep track of the powers and benefits discarded by opponents to assess possible endgame scoring opportunities they may reap.

By implementing these endgame scoring strategies, you can maximize your victory point accumulation and secure a triumphant final position in 7 Wonders.

Conclusion: Forge Your Path to Victory

Congratulations! You have now learned the fundamental strategies and rules to conquer the world of 7 Wonders. Armed with a strong understanding of card drafting, resource management, wonder utilization, player interaction, and endgame scoring, you are prepared to lead your civilization to glorious triumph.

As you embark on your strategic journey, remember to adapt your plans according to the ever-shifting dynamics of the game and the actions of your opponents. Flexibility and calculated decision-making will be key to charting your path to victory.

Whether you choose to wield military might, embrace scientific progress, or become an economic powerhouse, know that your strategies will craft the fate of your civilization. Be adaptive, watchful, and tactically astute at every turn.

Now, gather your friends or fellow strategists, set up the game, and commence your quest for civilization-building dominance. May your wonders rise, your resources flow, and your victory points pile up as you enter the realm of 7 Wonders!

May your journey be epic and your conquest glorious. The fate of civilizations rests in your hands!

Want to know what we think of 7 Wonders? Read our detailed review of 7 Wonders here

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.