Paladins of the West Kingdom: Box Cover Front
Paladins of the West Kingdom - Our favourite 2p game - Credit: Akupro
Paladins of the West Kingdom - Paladins midgame - Credit: Fall87
Paladins of the West Kingdom - Paladijnen van het Westelijk Koninkrijk - Dutch edition - Credit: rascozion
Paladins of the West Kingdom - 2p game - Credit: zgabor
  1. Paladins of the West Kingdom: Box Cover Front
  2. Paladins of the West Kingdom - Our favourite 2p game - Credit: Akupro
  3. Paladins of the West Kingdom - Paladins midgame - Credit: Fall87
  4. Paladins of the West Kingdom - Paladijnen van het Westelijk Koninkrijk - Dutch edition - Credit: rascozion
  5. Paladins of the West Kingdom - 2p game - Credit: zgabor

Paladins of the West Kingdom Review

"Paladins of the West Kingdom delivers an immersive medieval experience with its captivating artwork and engaging gameplay mechanics. The strategic depth, tactical decision-making, and dynamic player interaction make every playthrough a thrilling adventure."
  • Gameplay Mechanics
  • Art and Components
  • Player Interaction
  • Strategy and Tactics
4.5/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

Paladins of the West Kingdom is an immersive and strategic board game set in a medieval world. With its stunning artwork and high-quality components, it provides an aesthetic charm that draws players into its immersive theme. The dynamic worker placement system, multi-faceted quest system, and resource management offer a depth of gameplay options and strategic choices. The game encourages engaging player interactions through competition and collaboration, and tactical decision-making is required to navigate the risks and rewards throughout the game. With its strategic depth, captivating artwork, and dynamic gameplay, Paladins of the West Kingdom promises a thrilling and unforgettable gaming experience.

  • Number of Players: 1-4 players
  • Playing Time: 90-120 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 12 and up
  • Game Designer: Shem Phillips, S J Macdonald
  • Game Publisher: Garphill Games, Renegade Game Studios
  • Game Type: Strategy, Worker Placement
  • Immersive artwork
  • Engaging gameplay mechanics
  • Rich player interactions
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Long playing time
  • Complex for beginners
  • Limited player count
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to my review of Paladins of the West Kingdom! In this article, I will delve into the gameplay mechanics, art and components, player interaction, and strategic depth of this captivating board game. Paladins of the West Kingdom takes you on a medieval journey filled with knights, paladins, quests, and rivalries. From the immersive artwork and high-quality components to the dynamic worker placement and collaborative gameplay, this game offers a truly engaging and strategic experience. So, let’s explore the world of Paladins of the West Kingdom and see if it deserves a place on your gaming table.

How It Plays

Setting up

To begin, each player chooses a faction and takes their corresponding player board and paladin. The game board is placed in the center of the table, and the various decks and resources are sorted and placed within easy reach. Each player starts with a set of workers and resources. The round track is set up, and the game begins!


During each round, players take turns placing their workers on various action spaces on the board. Each action allows players to gather resources, recruit townsfolk, construct buildings, engage in quests, or defend against enemies. The choice of where to place workers requires careful consideration as spots can only accommodate one worker at a time. Players must also strategically manage their resources and plan their actions to maximize efficiency and progress towards victory.

Winning the game

The game progresses through a series of rounds, with each round ending when all players have placed their workers. Players earn victory points by completing quests, constructing buildings, and utilizing their paladins’ abilities. At the end of the game, the player with the most victory points is declared the winner.

Overall, Paladins of the West Kingdom provides a strategic and immersive gameplay experience. By placing workers, gathering resources, completing quests, and utilizing unique abilities, players compete for victory while navigating the dynamic choices and interactions presented by the game.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Paladins of the West Kingdom.

Gameplay mechanics are the heart and soul of any board game, and Paladins of the West Kingdom delivers a truly engaging and exciting experience. From the moment you open the box, the game beckons you into a medieval world filled with knights, paladins, and epic quests.

Dynamic Worker Placement

One of the standout features of Paladins of the West Kingdom is its unique and dynamic worker placement system. Instead of the traditional static worker spots found in many games, this game introduces workers with different skills and abilities. Players must strategically assign their workers to different locations on the board, carefully planning their actions to maximize efficiency and gain an advantage. This element of choice and decision-making adds an extra layer of depth to the gameplay and keeps players constantly engaged.

Abilities and Upgrades

In addition to the worker placement aspect, Paladins of the West Kingdom also incorporates a robust system of abilities and upgrades. Each player has their own individual paladin character with special abilities that can be triggered throughout the game. As players progress and complete quests, they can earn resources and unlock powerful upgrades for their paladins. This progression element adds a satisfying sense of progression and personalization to the gameplay, as players can tailor their strategy to their play style and goals.

Multi-Faceted Quests

The quest system in Paladins of the West Kingdom is multi-faceted and offers players a wide range of options. From battling enemy units to converting villagers, there are numerous paths to victory. Quests often require players to collect specific resources or meet certain conditions, adding a strategic element to the decision-making process. With each turn, players must choose which quests to pursue and carefully manage their resources to achieve success. This blend of strategic planning and resource management ensures that no two games are alike and keeps players on their toes with every move.

Navigating the Perils of Medieval Conquest

As players delve into the world of Paladins of the West Kingdom, they must navigate the perils of medieval conquest. The game cleverly introduces various obstacles and challenges that players must overcome, from rival knights to raiding bandits. This element of player interaction adds a thrilling and competitive dynamic to the gameplay, as players must be mindful of their opponents’ actions and adapt their strategies accordingly.

The next section will delve into the captivating art and unique components that bring Paladins of the West Kingdom to life, immersing players in its medieval setting and enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Paladins of the West Kingdom - Our favourite 2p game - Credit: Akupro

Immersive Artwork and High-Quality Components

The art and components of Paladins of the West Kingdom are truly a sight to behold. The game features stunning and immersive artwork that beautifully captures the medieval theme. From the intricate illustrations on the player boards to the detailed illustrations on the cards and game pieces, every visual element contributes to the immersive experience. The quality of the components is also top-notch, with sturdy cardboard tokens, thick player boards, and a rulebook that is easy to read and understand. The attention to detail in both the artwork and components greatly enhances the overall enjoyment of the game.

Visually Distinct Factions

One of the standout features of Paladins of the West Kingdom is the inclusion of visually distinct factions. Each player represents one of four unique factions, and their player boards and pieces are adorned with colors and symbols that represent their chosen faction. This adds an extra layer of immersion and identity to the game, as players feel connected to their faction and strive to uphold its values and objectives. The distinctive faction designs also make it easy to differentiate between players and adds visual appeal to the gameplay.

Iconic Architecture and Landmarks

The game board itself is a visually striking masterpiece, featuring iconic medieval architecture and landmarks. From the castle that serves as the central hub of the game to the various buildings and structures scattered throughout the board, every element is meticulously designed to transport players to the medieval world. The board artwork not only adds visual appeal, but it also serves as a strategic element, as players must carefully plan and navigate their actions based on the locations and benefits provided by the different areas of the board.

Exceptional Card Art and Variety

Paladins of the West Kingdom also excels in the design of its cards, with exceptional artwork and a wide variety of card types. The cards feature intricate illustrations that bring each card’s function or ability to life, making them visually captivating to interact with. The diversity of card types, from quests to events, adds depth and replayability to the game, ensuring that each playthrough offers unique opportunities and challenges.

The visual appeal and impeccable quality of the artwork and components immerses players in the medieval world of Paladins of the West Kingdom. This attention to detail not only enhances the overall experience but also draws players into the game’s immersive theme and mechanics.

The next section will delve into the captivating player interaction in Paladins of the West Kingdom, where players must strategize, compete, and cooperate to achieve victory.

Paladins of the West Kingdom - Paladins midgame - Credit: Fall87

Engaging Player Interaction and Strategic Choices

Player interaction is a crucial aspect of Paladins of the West Kingdom that sets it apart from other board games. This game fosters a dynamic and immersive experience where players must constantly interact, strategize, and make impactful decisions throughout the game.

Compete for Resources

In Paladins of the West Kingdom, players must compete for limited resources. With every turn, players must carefully assess the available resources on the board and plan their actions accordingly. Whether it’s gathering resources to complete quests or acquiring valuable cards, the competitive nature of acquiring resources adds a level of tension and engagement to the gameplay. Players must strategize and adapt their plans based on the ever-changing availability of resources, ensuring a lively and challenging play experience.

Interact through Worker Placement

The game’s unique worker placement mechanic is also a major source of player interaction. With each turn, players place their workers on different locations on the board to take various actions. However, since certain spots can only accommodate one worker at a time, players must anticipate the actions of other players and make timely decisions to secure the most advantageous positions. This leads to careful planning, rivalries, and ultimately engaging player interactions as each player vies for optimal placement and resource harvesting.

Collaboration and Cooperation

While competition is an integral part of the game, Paladins of the West Kingdom also incorporates elements of cooperation and collaboration. Players can choose to assist one another in completing certain quests or defend against common enemies. This introduces a strategic dynamic where players must decide when it is advantageous to cooperate or when to prioritize their personal objectives. The ability to forge alliances or engage in temporary partnerships adds depth and complexity to the gameplay, as players weigh the benefits of cooperation against their individual strategies.

The player interaction in Paladins of the West Kingdom fosters an engaging atmosphere where every decision counts and players must adapt to their rivals’ choices. The blend of competition, resource management, and potential collaborative opportunities creates a compelling and interactive experience that keep players fully engaged throughout the game.

With the captivating player interaction in mind, the next section will delve into the strategic and tactical depth of Paladins of the West Kingdom, exploring the decision-making processes and the game’s many pathways to victory.

Paladins of the West Kingdom - Paladijnen van het Westelijk Koninkrijk - Dutch edition - Credit: rascozion

Strategic Depth and Tactical Decision-Making

Paladins of the West Kingdom offers a rich and strategic gameplay experience, where every decision and move can have a significant impact on the outcome of the game. The game presents players with multiple pathways to victory, allowing for a variety of strategic approaches and tactical decisions.

Multiple Strategies to Explore

One of the standout features of Paladins of the West Kingdom is the multitude of viable strategies that players can explore. Whether focusing on completing quests, constructing buildings, acquiring resources, or strengthening their paladins, players have a wide range of choices and paths to victory. The game encourages players to experiment and adapt their strategies based on the current state of the game and the actions of their opponents. This strategic flexibility ensures that each game is unique and offers endless replayability.

Tactical Decision-Making

Paladins of the West Kingdom also requires players to make tactical decisions on the fly. With each new turn and action, players must consider their options and assess the potential consequences of their decisions. Choosing which quests to pursue, where to assign workers, and which upgrades to unlock all require careful analysis and evaluation. The ability to seize opportunities, anticipate rivals’ moves, and strategically allocate resources adds an exciting dimension of tactical depth to the gameplay.

Risk vs. Reward Trade-offs

The game introduces numerous risk vs. reward trade-offs that players must navigate throughout the gameplay. Some quests may offer greater rewards but also come with higher risks, while other actions may be safer but offer lower rewards. Balancing these trade-offs is key to success in Paladins of the West Kingdom. Players must assess the potential benefits against the potential costs and decide which actions are worth pursuing. This element of risk management adds an additional layer of complexity to the strategic decision-making process.

Overall, Paladins of the West Kingdom provides a highly strategic and tactically engaging experience. The game’s multiple viable strategies, tactical decision-making, and risk vs. reward trade-offs ensure that each playthrough offers a different and rewarding gameplay experience.

I highly recommend Paladins of the West Kingdom to both casual and experienced board game players who enjoy engaging in deep strategic and tactical decision-making. With its immersive theme, captivating gameplay mechanics, and high-quality components, this game is a standout addition to any board game collection.

Paladins of the West Kingdom - 2p game - Credit: zgabor


In conclusion, Paladins of the West Kingdom is an exceptional board game that combines engaging gameplay mechanics, immersive art and components, strategic player interaction, and tactical decision-making. The dynamic worker placement, diverse quest system, and resource management create a captivating gameplay experience that keeps players invested from start to finish. The high-quality artwork and components add an aesthetic charm to the game, while the multiple viable strategies and risk vs. reward trade-offs offer depth and replayability. Whether you’re new to board games or a veteran enthusiast, Paladins of the West Kingdom is a must-have addition to any game collection. Concluding the review, this game brings the medieval world alive and offers a strategic adventure that is sure to delight tabletop gamers.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.