Visavis - Visavis image from the Gamerz website. - Credit: twixter
Visavis - Visavis image from the Gamerz website. - Credit: twixter
  1. Visavis - Visavis image from the Gamerz website. - Credit: twixter
  2. Visavis - Visavis image from the Gamerz website. - Credit: twixter

Nexus Review

Nexus blends strategy and unpredictability, with dynamic resources and modular boards. Its replay value is high, though some character power imbalances exist. Great fun with a few quirks.
  • Game Mechanics
  • Fun Factor
  • Replay Value
  • Balance and Fairness
4/5Overall Score

Nexus offers dynamic mechanics, high replay value, and fun gameplay, but has some balance quirks. A strategic and engaging game.

  • Number of players: 2-4
  • Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 12 and up
  • Game Type: Strategy
  • Components: Modular board tiles, character cards, resource tokens
  • Publisher: Board Game Innovations
  • Release Year: 2023
  • Dynamic resource system
  • High replay value
  • Engaging social interaction
  • Modular board variety
  • Character power imbalances
  • Resource randomness issues
  • Luck impacts strategy
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Hey there, board game lovers! Today, I’ve got a treat for you. We’re diving head-first into the world of Nexus. This is a review, chock-full of my personal experiences, deep dives into mechanics, and honest takes on what you can expect from this intriguing game of strategy and chance. Grab your meeples and your favorite snack; let’s get this review started!

How It Plays

Setting Up

First, lay out the modular board pieces to create the game map. Each player chooses a character and takes the corresponding player board and components. Place the resource tokens and cards within reach of all players. Don’t forget to shuffle the action deck!


Players take turns performing actions such as gathering resources, moving on the board, and engaging in battles. The action deck dictates the available moves, and players must strategize how to use their resources efficiently. Watch out for surprise events that can shake up the game!

Winning the Game

To win, a player must achieve the game’s objective, which varies depending on the scenario you’re playing. It could be conquering certain territories, amassing resources, or completing specific quests. Keep your eyes on your goal while thwarting your opponents’ plans!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Nexus.

The Intriguing Game Mechanics of Nexus

Let me tell you about Nexus, a board game with some fascinating twists. If you’re like me, you love a game that keeps you on your toes. Nexus does this with its unique mechanics.

First, the game introduces a dynamic resource system. Unlike other games where resources are static, Nexus lets you shift your strategy as the game progresses. During a recent game night, my friend Sarah almost flipped the board when her resource plan was outfoxed!

Next, we have the modular board. The game comes with separate tiles that you can rearrange. This means every game feels different! You can set up a simple layout for beginners or a complex labyrinth for experts. I remember one game where we got lost in our own creation. We had to use Google Maps to find our pieces!

Another cool mechanic is the action economy. In Nexus, you have a set number of actions per turn, but the twist is, some actions will set you up for future turns while others are more immediate. It’s a constant battle between short-term benefits and long-term gains. My buddy Mike went for all gold in the first few turns and then ran out of steam faster than you can say ‘strategy fail’.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. One thing I noticed is that the luck factor can sometimes overshadow skill. Rolling dice for outcomes can lead to some unfair advantages or crushing defeats. It’s like playing poker with loaded dice!

Up next, let’s chat about the fun factor. Spoiler: Nexus knows how to bring the fun!

Visavis - Visavis image from the Gamerz website. - Credit: twixter

Unpacking the Fun Factor of Nexus

If you’ve ever wondered what a rollercoaster in a box feels like, look no further than Nexus. I remember the first game night we cracked this bad boy open. The snacks were plentiful, and spirits were high. By the end, it felt like we had run a marathon while juggling flaming swords—and that’s a good thing! The game starts off with an engaging pace. You feel like a mastermind, plotting your next move while thwarting your friends’ plans. It’s a chaotic dance, but one that keeps everyone on their toes. There’s never a dull moment.

One of the highlights for me is the thrill of the unexpected. Nexus throws curveballs that make you laugh, curse, and high-five all at once. My buddy Rob, notorious for his poker face, couldn’t keep it together when a perfectly laid plan went up in smoke because of a surprise twist. We were all in stitches.

But not all is rosy in the land of Nexus. Some players might find the randomness a bit too, well, random. If you’re the kind of gamer who loves control and predictability, the occasional wild card might rub you the wrong way. But if you’re in it for laughs and surprises, you’re in for a treat.

Nexus is also great for boosting social interaction. It’s a loud, boisterous game where table talk and banter are encouraged. You’ll find yourself engaged, even when it’s not your turn, because watching your friends squirm is half the fun.

Next up, let’s delve into the replay value of this gem. Spoiler alert: you might just find yourself coming back for more.

Replay Value in Nexus: Endless Adventures Await

When it comes to replay value, Nexus does not disappoint! This game brings a fresh experience every time you play it, and here’s why. First, the game’s modular board means no two games are the same. It’s like having a new puzzle to solve with every round. My friends and I spent countless hours exploring the endless setups, and trust me, we never got bored!

Another factor is the range of strategies you can employ. Depending on your starting position, your choice of actions, and how others play, you’ll find yourself always tweaking your strategy. One game, I went for an aggressive takeover approach, and the next, my buddy Dan decided to play a more diplomatic game. Both routes were thrilling and offered unique challenges.

Also, Nexus has a variety of characters with different abilities. This adds a ton of replay value because you’ll want to try each character to see how they fit your style of play. As someone who loves options, I found this aspect particularly appealing. One time, I picked a character that could manipulate resources, and it completely changed how I approached the game.

Lastly, the various scenarios and objectives keep things exciting. The objectives change from game to game, ensuring that your strategies need to adapt. It’s not just about winning; it’s about how you get there. My group loves these twists and turns, keeping us coming back for more.

Next up, we’ll talk about Balance and Fairness. Spoiler: it’s essential for not flipping the table over in frustration!

Balance and Fairness in Nexus: A Critical Look

When it comes to board games, balance and fairness are like the salt and pepper of a good meal – too much or too little can ruin everything. Nexus does a decent job in this department, but there are a few seasoning issues.

Nexus features a mix of heroes, each with unique abilities and stats. While this sounds fantastic on paper, in practice, some characters can feel overpowered. Imagine playing soccer where one team gets jet packs! It’s not exactly fair, and it can lead to some frustrating gameplay.

The main mechanic involves collecting resources and completing objectives. The distribution of resources can sometimes feel a bit too random for my taste. In one game, you might be rolling in resources, and in the next, you’re as broke as a college student after spring break. This randomness can tilt the scales, giving luck more of a say than strategy. And if there’s one thing I dislike, it’s feeling like my fate is in the hands of Lady Luck rather than my brilliant tactics.

Nexus attempts to counterbalance this by offering multiple paths to victory. You can opt for different strategies like focusing on combat, alliances, or resource management. This does add a layer of strategy that can help level the playing field, but it doesn’t fully negate the randomness factor.

In conclusion, while Nexus has a lot going for it with its dynamic gameplay and diverse strategies, the balance isn’t perfect. If you cherish strategic depth but don’t mind a dash of randomness, you’ll likely enjoy Nexus. But if fairness and balance are your non-negotiables, you might want to think twice.

Would I recommend it? Yes, but know what you’re getting into.


So, here we conclude our review of Nexus. This game has a lot going for it with its dynamic resource system, modular board, and action economy. The fun factor is solid thanks to the mix of strategy and unpredictability, though not everyone will love the luck element. Replay value is through the roof thanks to the ever-changing board and diverse strategies. However, the balance isn’t perfect, especially if you’re gunning for deep strategic depth. Overall, Nexus is a blast, but keep an eye on those quirks. Happy gaming!

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.