Newton: Box Cover Front

Newton Review

Got my hands on 'Newton' last weekend and it was a blast! The game's mix of strategy and beautiful art makes each playthrough unique. One nitpick? Set-up time's a bit long, but totally worth it. A solid 4.5 stars!
  • Game Mechanics & Strategy Depth
  • Quality & Artwork
  • Replay Value & Scalability
  • Learning Curve & Accessibility
4.5/5Overall Score

'Newton' shines with deep strategy, stellar art, and great replay value, making it a must-have for any game night.

  • Number of Players: 1-4
  • Playing Time: 90 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 14+
  • Game Type: Strategy
  • Mechanics: Hand Management, Worker Placement
  • Theme: Science, Enlightenment Era
  • Designer: Simone Luciani, Nestore Mangone
  • Deep strategy
  • Beautiful artwork
  • High replay value
  • Accessible learning curve
  • Lengthy setup time
  • Steep learning curve
  • Limited initial strategies
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Gather around, folks, let me tell you about the time me and my pals dove into the world of ‘Newton‘. Yes, you read that right – this is a review, not a history lesson, but trust me, it felt like a bit of both. We’re talking about a board game that sends you back in time to the Renaissance, making you feel like a real smarty-pants without the need for a time machine. So, let’s get the gears turning and figure out if ‘Newton’ is the brain-busting, strategy-packed adventure you need on your game night shelf.

How It Plays

Ready to dive into the world of enlightenment with Newton? This strategic journey isn’t just a trip through the annals of science and discovery; it’s a brain-burning quest for knowledge, pushing the limits of your planning and strategy skills. Here’s how you get your lab coat on and your research started.

Setting Up

Setting up Newton is like laying out your very own research lab. Each player gets a personal board to manage their own trail of scientific discovery. You’ll spread out several different boards in the middle of the table – the Travel map, the Work track, the Technology track, and more. Don’t forget to shuffle those Action cards! They’re your main tool for getting ahead in the scientific world. Plop the piles of coins and tokens nearby, and you’re ready to get enlightened!


Playing Newton is about making the smart moves that make big discoveries. Each turn, you’ll play an Action card from your hand to perform actions that boost your knowledge. Want to travel the continent or work to gain more resources? Maybe advance on the Technology track or study hard to move up the University ladder? The choice is yours, but remember: it’s all about planning ahead and combining your actions efficiently. Keep an eye on what your fellow scientists are up to as well – sometimes a quick pivot in strategy can put you ahead!

Winning the Game

After several rounds of intense intellectual competition, the game ends, and it’s time to see who’s the top genius. You’ll score points for just about everything – your progress on the different tracks, your contributions to work and research, the objectives you’ve completed, and even the books you’ve collected. The player with the most points is declared the leading scientist of the era, mastering the art and science of Newton‘s age.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Newton.

Mastering Game Mechanics and Unveiling the Strategy Depth in Newton

So, you think you’ve got what it takes to stand among the giants of science? Newton is not just any board game. It demands you put on your thinking cap. The game mechanics are a blend of cunning planning and smart strategy. From action selection to hand management, every move feels like you’re a scholar contributing to the Age of Enlightenment. But here’s the kicker – the depth of strategy is immense. Just when you think you’ve cracked the code, Newton throws a new puzzle piece your way. Balancing your actions to optimize your learning path, while keeping an eye on your rivals, is key. You can’t just wing it; every choice has to be calculated.

Now, as we’ve dissected the brains of the game, let’s shift gears and appreciate the beauty it holds. Up next, the Quality and Artwork of Components.

Unboxing Newton: A Feast for the Eyes

Alright, folks, let’s talk about the bits and bobs that come with Newton. First off, the artwork? It’s like someone took a time machine back to the Renaissance, grabbed a few bits of classy art, and slapped them on these cards and boards. It’s pretty neat, if you ask me. And it’s not just pretty; it’s functional, making the complex mechanics a tad easier to get a grip on. The components? Sturdy. You can tell the makers of Newton didn’t skimp here. The game pieces feel good in your hand, and you won’t see edges fraying or colors fading after a few game nights.

But here’s the kicker: while you’re lost in those gorgeous visuals, you’re also soaking in a bit of history. Yep, you get to rub elbows with some of the greatest minds of the 17th century. So, not only does it look good, it feels good too. Makes me want to play it over and over…which brings us neatly to my next point: the Replay value and scalability.

Keep Coming Back for More: Newton’s Endless Replayability

One of the shining jewels in Newton’s crown is its staggering replay value. Every game feels like a new challenge. Thanks to a variety of strategies and an ever-changing board setup, no two games are ever the same. Players can’t just stick to one plan if they want to win; they have to adapt and think on their feet, making each playthrough as exciting as the last.

Adapts to Any Group

Whether you’re playing with a hardcore gamer or a newbie, Newton scales beautifully. It’s just as fun with two players as it is with four, making it a versatile choice for game nights. The game’s design ensures that it remains balanced, regardless of the number of players, ensuring everyone has a fair shot at victory.

Now, let’s shift our gears and talk about how easy it is to jump into the world of Newton, exploring the Learning curve and accessibility.

Mastering Newton: A Journey of Discovery

When you first open Newton, the sheer amount of pieces and options might seem daunting. But don’t let that scare you away! The learning curve is actually part of the fun. Sure, it might take a game or two to fully grasp the mechanics, but once you do, you’re in for a treat. The game balances complexity with accessibility, making each playthrough a new adventure.

One thing I particularly appreciate is how Newton caters to both seasoned gamers and newbies. For veterans, the depth of strategy needed to outwit opponents feels rewarding. New players, on the other hand, can grasp the basics quickly thanks to the intuitive design. This accessibility ensures that everyone at the game night can get in on the action without feeling left out.

So, do I recommend Newton? Absolutely. Whether you’re a board game aficionado or just looking for a fun way to spend an evening with friends, Newton delivers. Embrace the learning curve, and you’ll be rewarded with countless hours of enjoyment.


Alright, pals, it’s time to wrap up our journey through Newton. After many game nights, a handful of strategy debates, and countless cups of coffee, I’ve gotta say, this game is a gem. From its top-notch components that make you feel like you’re truly stepping back in time, to its intricate game mechanics that require you to think three steps ahead, Newton keeps you on your toes. The replay value? Phenomenal. Whether you’re playing for the first time or the tenth, there’s always a new strategy to explore. And let’s not forget the learning curve. Yes, it might seem steep at first glance, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find it’s just the right amount of challenge. It’s accessible enough for new players to join in on the fun without feeling lost. In conclusion, Newton has earned its spot on my board game shelf, and I reckon it deserves a spot on yours too. Just remember, while luck plays its part, it’s your brainpower that’ll lead you to victory in this historical adventure. So, who’s ready for game night?

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.