John Company: Second Edition: Box Cover Front
John Company: Second Edition - This isn’t how you mark company debt, but the sentiment is there. - Credit: The Innocent
John Company: Second Edition - Governing India, but not for its benefit. - Credit: The Innocent
John Company: Second Edition - Even the legal system is more fully expressed. - Credit: The Innocent
John Company: Second Edition - John Company. - Credit: The Innocent
John Company: Second Edition - Events in India are troubling, but also clearer than before. - Credit: The Innocent
John Company: Second Edition - Welcome to the family. - Credit: The Innocent
John Company: Second Edition - John Company (2nd Edition) - countersheet 8 - Credit: panagaeus
John Company: Second Edition - John Company (2nd Edition) - countersheet 7 - Credit: panagaeus
John Company: Second Edition - John Company (2nd Edition) - countersheet 2 - Credit: panagaeus
John Company: Second Edition - Playing the family man. Or family woman. - Credit: The Innocent
  1. John Company: Second Edition: Box Cover Front
  2. John Company: Second Edition - This isn’t how you mark company debt, but the sentiment is there. - Credit: The Innocent
  3. John Company: Second Edition - Governing India, but not for its benefit. - Credit: The Innocent
  4. John Company: Second Edition - Even the legal system is more fully expressed. - Credit: The Innocent
  5. John Company: Second Edition - John Company. - Credit: The Innocent
  6. John Company: Second Edition - Events in India are troubling, but also clearer than before. - Credit: The Innocent
  7. John Company: Second Edition - Welcome to the family. - Credit: The Innocent
  8. John Company: Second Edition - John Company (2nd Edition) - countersheet 8 - Credit: panagaeus
  9. John Company: Second Edition - John Company (2nd Edition) - countersheet 7 - Credit: panagaeus
  10. John Company: Second Edition - John Company (2nd Edition) - countersheet 2 - Credit: panagaeus
  11. John Company: Second Edition - Playing the family man. Or family woman. - Credit: The Innocent

John Company: Second Edition Review

In 'John Company: Second Edition,' immerse yourself in managing a British trade company, engaging deep strategic gameplay accentuated by intense negotiations—all amid a vivid historical setting.
  • Corporate Management Complexity
  • Negotiation Depth
  • Historical Thematic Integration
  • Overall Fun Factor
4.5/5Overall Score

John Company: Second Edition is a strategically complex game with in-depth negotiations set against a rich historical backdrop.

  • Number of players: 1-6
  • Playing Time: 120-240 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 14+
  • Game Type: Negotiation, Economic, Historical
  • Mechanics: Area Control, Role Selection, Auction/Bidding
  • Complexity: High
  • Designer: Cole Wehrle
  • Deep strategic layers
  • Rich negotiation dynamics
  • Immersive historical experience
  • Engaging social interaction
  • Complex ruleset
  • Long playtime
  • High learning curve
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome fellow board game enthusiasts to another deep dive into the world of strategic board gaming. Today, we’re taking a detailed look at John Company: Second Edition, a remarkable title offering layers of complexity and rich historical content. In this review, I’ll share insights from my personal gameplay experiences, shedding light on the masterfully crafted mechanics that have reignited my table’s engagement with every play. So cinch up your director’s coat and let’s embark on this intricate journey of power and negotiation across the board.

How It Plays

Delving into the intricate dynamics of John Company: Second Edition reveals a tableau of challenging mechanics and player agency that’s both rewarding and enlightening.

Setting up

Initiating a game of John Company involves distributing roles among the players, reflecting the real-world familial hierarchy of the historical East India Company, and arranging the multitude of components in a fashion that mirrors corporate structure—a witty nod to the bureaucracy it seeks to emulate.


The crux of gameplay hinges on making pivotal political decisions, manipulating the ever-turbulent market, and weaving dense networks of alliances. Every turn represents a tumultuous period of British colonization, with players vying for dominance through shrewd strategy over the games’ hefty, thematically rich rounds.

Winning the game

Victory in John Company is attained by deftly navigating the treacherous waters of wealth, prestige, and historical influence. One must balance risk with caution, as the culmination of generations distills into defining moments that honor or hobble your family’s legacy.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for John Company: Second Edition.

Mastering John Company’s Intricacies

From my first playthrough of John Company: Second Edition, the complexity was palpable. As we took the roles of ambitious family members managing a historical trade empire, the depth of corporate governance became clear. Unlike many board games where management might be direct and predictable, here every decision is laced with potential consequences and delicious complexity.

Strategic Decision-Making

Choosing where to allocate resources or how to foster career advancements are decisions filled with challenges. During one memorable session, a thoughtfully executed promotion strategy saw abrupt changes after dice rolled contrary to all odds. This unpredictability reinforces the vital role of strategy and adaptability.

Intrinsic Economic Balance

Successfully running a company in this game means looking beyond short-term gains. I learned this firsthand when a seemingly minor oversight led to a dramatic company downfall. The game demands an astute sense of economic foresight and decision-making that goes beyond the superficial.

With the complexities of management unpacked, let’s set the stage for a dialogue on Negotiation Depth.

John Company: Second Edition - This isn’t how you mark company debt, but the sentiment is there. - Credit: The Innocent

The Art of Deal-Making in John Company

In my plays of John Company: Second Edition, a standout feature unquestionably involves the intricate negotiation system. Initially overwhelming, the alliances and deals created across the game board offer a genuine depth. What sets this game apart, in my view, is the elegant way negotiations mirror those in the corporate world, while remaining fluid and natural in gameplay.

Player Interactions

Conversations are organic, blossoming from shared capitalism anxiety. This facilitates an array of strategic avenues – shaping alliances adds a level of engagement that’s both demanding and rewarding.

Dynamic Economic Landscape

Moreover, these negotiations significantly impact the shared companies’ futures – not unlike business ventures. Each session, my negotiation skills were put to the test, ensuring a robust replayability. It makes for intense, memorable moments, wrapped around économies politques of the East India trade.

Join me in the next section as we delve into the wonderful weave of history and gameplay of John CompanyHistorical Thematic Integration.

John Company: Second Edition - Governing India, but not for its benefit. - Credit: The Innocent

Immersing in History through Play

In my exploration of John Company: Second Edition, the historical thematic integration stood out robustly. Let me regale you with a particular game night anecdote. As we navigated the game’s finely woven fabric of genuine historical backdrops intertwined with corporate machinations, one could virtually scent the tea leaves and hear the ship’s bell.

Authentic Historic Blueprint

I vividly recall the moments we spent pondering how the historic events on our event cards amplified the game’s intensity. The historically resonant scenarios did not just inform our strategic choices; they taught us authentic economic and colonial histories, paying tribute to the elaborate British East India Company chronicles compellingly.

Capturing the Historical Zeitgeist

The game’s compelling take on influential events captured the essences and ambitions of a bygone era, offering a masterclass in blending theme and mechanics. Indeed, every round resonated with historical undertones, from promoting our family members within the company hierarchy to navigating through the murkier aspects of Imperialism.

As someone inherently fascinated by the past, John Company: Second Edition not only provided an evening of immersive entertainment but also invoked reflections on our collective history. Indeed, it’s my pleasure to hail it as a game that’s to be heartily recommended to both history buffs and board game enthusiasts alike.

John Company: Second Edition - Even the legal system is more fully expressed. - Credit: The Innocent


As the curtains draw on this John Company: Second Edition review, it’s quite clear that the magic of this game lies within its maze of sophisticated management systems, the provocative dance of negotiations, and an ambitiously integrated historical backdrop. Whether it’s the meticulous jostling for power within the company or the thrill of a well-placed alliance, the game entices the strategic mind and scratches that social itch that all board gamers seek to comfort. It sets the stage not only for a cerebral contest of logistical prowess but also for vivid tales of historical might-have-beens. All in all, John Company: Second Edition stands as a compelling tableau of interactive storytelling through gameplay – and comes highly recommended for those who crave depth and camaraderie around the table.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.