Greenland: Box Cover Front
Greenland - Greenland, Sierra Madre Games, Components - Credit: FortyOne
Greenland - Greenland by Sierra Madre Games - Credit: rexbinary
Greenland - Domesticating the Musk Ox means you’ll never want for somebody to hug. - Credit: The Innocent
Greenland - The Thule resist Norse missionaries. - Credit: The Innocent
Greenland - Greenland 2nd edition additional cards - Credit: FortyOne
Greenland - Greenland during the barely-freezing season. - Credit: The Innocent
Greenland - Hopefully, we shall exterminate the vicious narwhal. - Credit: The Innocent
  1. Greenland: Box Cover Front
  2. Greenland - Greenland, Sierra Madre Games, Components - Credit: FortyOne
  3. Greenland - Greenland by Sierra Madre Games - Credit: rexbinary
  4. Greenland - Domesticating the Musk Ox means you’ll never want for somebody to hug. - Credit: The Innocent
  5. Greenland - The Thule resist Norse missionaries. - Credit: The Innocent
  6. Greenland - Greenland 2nd edition additional cards - Credit: FortyOne
  7. Greenland - Greenland during the barely-freezing season. - Credit: The Innocent
  8. Greenland - Hopefully, we shall exterminate the vicious narwhal. - Credit: The Innocent

Greenland Review

Greenland surprises with its deep strategy and historical richness. Balancing Norse survival with smart gameplay, it’s a hit for those who love a challenge minus the luck-dependence. A few rounds in, and you're hooked!
  • Historical Accuracy
  • Game Mechanics and Balance
  • Player Interaction
  • Replay Value
4.5/5Overall Score

Greenland game impresses with strategic depth, historical accuracy, engaging player dynamics, and high replay value. A balanced, intriguing survival challenge.

  • Number of Players: 1-4
  • Playing Time: 60-120 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 14+
  • Game Type: Strategy/Survival
  • Designer: Phil Eklund
  • Year Published: 2014
  • Theme: Historical, Norse Culture
  • Deep strategy
  • Rich history
  • High replay value
  • Engaging player dynamics
  • Luck can frustrate
  • Steep learning curve
  • Limited player count
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Today, I’m taking you on a chilly adventure with my review of Greenland. It’s a game that not only tests your strategic thinking but also dips your toes into the frigid waters of Norse history. Grab your cloaks and sharpen your axes – we’re exploring the icy landscapes where only the cleverest survive.

How It Plays

If you ever wondered what it’s like to survive in Greenland with a bunch of Vikings, well, buckle up because this game is a wild ride through history, strategy, and sheer survival instincts. Here’s a quick rundown on how to dive into Greenland.

Setting up

First, everyone picks a tribe. You get cards and pieces that match your tribe’s color. Spread out the main board and give everyone their starting resources. It feels a bit like setting up camp in uncharted territory.


Each turn, you decide how to use your tribe members. They can hunt, fish, or try to control the ever-changing landscape of Greenland. It’s a mix of planning, guessing, and a tiny bit of praying to the Norse gods. Plus, there’s trading and negotiating with other players, which can be as friendly or as cutthroat as you want.

Winning the game

Winning is about managing to keep your tribe alive and thriving. Points come from successful hunts, controlled territories, and some cards that give you bonuses for doing well in specific areas. The player who best balances survival with expansion wins the game. It’s not just about being the last tribe standing; it’s about thriving in a harsh landscape.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Greenland.

Exploring the Icy Depths of History in Greenland

When you pop open Greenland, you’re not just getting a board game; you’re diving into a frozen chunk of history. The game does a stellar job of bringing to life the struggle for survival, exploration, and dominance in Greenland during the Norse settlements. It’s like history class but with dice and meeples. You can feel the chill and the desperation of trying to make it in a land covered in ice. And let’s be honest, who knew much about Greenland’s history before this game? I sure didn’t. But now, I can tell you about the Thule, the Norse, and the Inuit tribes fighting for control and survival. It’s accurate enough to make you feel smarter just by playing. And it’s all set in a time when Greenland was way more than just a spot on the map.

Now that we’ve braved the historical blizzards, let’s slide our way into the world of game mechanics and balance.

Greenland - Greenland, Sierra Madre Games, Components - Credit: FortyOne

Mastering Greenland’s Intricate Game Mechanics

Greenland isn’t just a game; it’s a strategy-packed adventure that demands attention to its mechanics. Players navigate through the harsh realities of establishing a Norse settlement, focusing on resource management, survival against the odds, and strategic expansion. The game beautifully balances historical accuracy with engaging gameplay, offering a unique blend that challenges both new and experienced players. One aspect where Greenland shines is in its balance. Despite the reliance on dice rolls, which could hint at luck playing a significant role, the game’s design allows for strategic planning to mitigate bad outcomes. This ensures that while luck can sway a round, strategy and foresight can win the game.

Every choice in Greenland feels weighty, from deciding which resources to pursue to managing your tribe’s population. The game mechanics encourage players to think ahead, adapt to their rivals’ moves, and survive the unpredictable Arctic weather. The balance between risk and reward is finely tuned, ensuring that no strategy feels overpowered.

Next up, let’s turn our attention to how Greenland fosters player interaction and dynamics.

Greenland - Greenland by Sierra Madre Games - Credit: rexbinary

Mastering Player Dynamics in Greenland

When you sit down to play Greenland, you’re not just facing the harsh environment and aiming to survive; you’re also diving into a rich pool of player interaction. This game cleverly forces you into alliances that are as fragile as the icebergs surrounding the Greenland coast. One minute, you’re working together to fend off external threats or to share resources, and the next, you’re at each other’s throats, competing for the limited fertile land that’s crucial for your survival.

Strategic Alliances and Betrayals

The dynamics between players are what really set Greenland apart. It’s not just about the strategies you employ against the game but also about how you navigate the relationships with your fellow chiefs. The negotiation, the bluffs, and the betrayals add a layer of depth and excitement that keep you on your toes. It turns Greenland into a social battleground, where your ability to read people is just as important as your tactical planning.

And speaking of planning, the next part will shed some light on the replay value and longevity of Greenland.

Greenland - Domesticating the Musk Ox means you’ll never want for somebody to hug. - Credit: The Innocent

Unlocking Greenland’s Endless Adventures

When we chat about replay value, Greenland is a treasure chest that keeps on giving. Each game unfolds differently, thanks to a brilliantly designed mix of scenarios, strategies, and historical nuances. It’s like getting a fresh game experience every time you bring it to the table. And hey, who doesn’t love the idea of leading a Norse tribe to thrive against all odds, more than once?

Diverse Strategies and Outcomes

The variety of strategies and outcomes in Greenland ensures that no two games feel the same. Your path to victory can vary widely from one playthrough to the next, pushing you and your friends to think outside the box and adapt. This unpredictability is what makes Greenland not just a game, but an adventure that calls you back again and again.

So, would I recommend Greenland? Absolutely. If you’re after a game with depth, historical intrigue, and immense replay value, Greenland is a must-have in your collection.

Greenland - The Thule resist Norse missionaries. - Credit: The Innocent


Wrapping up this deep dive into Greenland, I’ve gotta say, it’s a hit in my book. We’ve talked about everything from its intriguing historical theme that really brings those icy, ancient landscapes to life, to the mechanics that strike a fine balance between strategy and the luck of the draw. And let’s not forget about the player interaction that keeps you on your toes and the replay value that’ll have you coming back for more. Sure, no game is perfect, and Greenland isn’t for the faint-hearted with its complex strategies and potential for backstabbery. But if you’re looking for a game that’s as challenging as it is rewarding, with a solid base in history and a knack for sparking lively table talk, Greenland is well worth the trek. Just remember, it’s all about survival, strategy, and sometimes, just a little bit of luck. Happy gaming!

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.