Ghost Stories: Box Cover Front
Ghost Stories -  - Credit: noursy
Ghost Stories -  - Credit: noursy
Ghost Stories - Essen 2008 : Ghost Stories - Credit: santac
Ghost Stories - evil, evil curse die. - Credit: dodecalouise
Ghost Stories - Game night in Aggieland. - Credit: texasgeoker
Ghost Stories - Game demonstration at Essen 2008, they chose a quite weird table-cloth. - Credit: silk
Ghost Stories - Beauty of GS - Credit: pratchettfan777
Ghost Stories - Played with 4 for the first time! We lost but we were close (3 cards away from Wu Feng). - Credit: dodecalouise
Ghost Stories - inside the box - Credit: fabricefab
Ghost Stories - Atleast we lose with style :) - Credit: Spukky
  1. Ghost Stories: Box Cover Front
  2. Ghost Stories -  - Credit: noursy
  3. Ghost Stories -  - Credit: noursy
  4. Ghost Stories - Essen 2008 : Ghost Stories - Credit: santac
  5. Ghost Stories - evil, evil curse die. - Credit: dodecalouise
  6. Ghost Stories - Game night in Aggieland. - Credit: texasgeoker
  7. Ghost Stories - Game demonstration at Essen 2008, they chose a quite weird table-cloth. - Credit: silk
  8. Ghost Stories - Beauty of GS - Credit: pratchettfan777
  9. Ghost Stories - Played with 4 for the first time! We lost but we were close (3 cards away from Wu Feng). - Credit: dodecalouise
  10. Ghost Stories - inside the box - Credit: fabricefab
  11. Ghost Stories - Atleast we lose with style :) - Credit: Spukky

Ghost Stories Review

'Ghost Stories' hooks you with its eerie theme and stunning visuals. But beware, its challenge is as real as the ghosts you're fighting! It's a thrilling ride with friends, if you're up for the test.
  • Gameplay Mechanics
  • Difficulty Level and Balance
  • Artwork and Thematic Immersion
  • Replayability
4/5Overall Score

'Ghost Stories' review: A thrilling, cooperative board game that balances difficulty, stunning artwork, and high replayability for endless fun.

  • Number of Players: 1-4
  • Playing Time: 60 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 12+
  • Game Type: Cooperative Board Game
  • Theme: Horror, Chinese Mythology
  • Mechanics: Dice Rolling, Tile Placement, Variable Player Powers
  • Difficulty Level: High
  • Challenging Cooperative Gameplay
  • Stunning Artwork
  • High Replayability
  • Immersive Experience
  • Steep learning curve
  • Can feel punishing
  • Limited player interaction
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Today, we’re taking a spooky trip through the board game ‘Ghost Stories‘. Buckle up, folks, because this review is going to be a hauntingly good read. From nail-biting gameplay mechanics to stunning artwork that drags you kicking and screaming into its eerie world, ‘Ghost Stories’ is a game that promises thrills, chills, and a heck of a challenge. But don’t worry, I’m here to guide you through the ghost-infested waters to see if this game deserves space on your shelf. So, let’s see if ‘Ghost Stories’ is as spooktacular as it sounds or if it’s just another spirit in the board game graveyard.

How It Plays

‘Ghost Stories’ is a thrill-packed co-op game where players become Taoist monks defending a village from vengeful spirits. It’s all about teamwork, strategy, and a bit of luck.

Setting up

First, lay out the game board, which represents the village, in the middle of the table. Each player chooses a monk and takes the corresponding color board and Tao tokens. Shuffle the ghost cards and create a draw pile. Place the Buddha figures, Qi tokens, and Yin-Yang tokens within reach of all players. Each player places their monk on a different corner of the village.


Players take turns, performing up to four actions: move, fight ghosts, ask for help from the villagers, or use a Taoist’s ability. You’ll draw a ghost card at the end of each turn, adding the ghost to the board, increasing the challenge. Working together is key to keep the ghosts from overwhelming the village and defeating you.

Winning the game

To win in ‘Ghost Stories,’ you and your fellow monks must defeat the incarnation of Wu-Feng, the Lord of the Nine Hells, who is hidden somewhere in the ghost deck. But beware, if all monks lose their Qi or if the village is overrun by ghosts, all players lose. So, strategize wisely and protect the village with all your might!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Ghost Stories.

Uncover the Team Spirit with Ghost Stories’ Cooperative Gameplay

If you’re hunting for a game that truly tests your ability to work as a team while giving you the chills, Ghost Stories is your go-to. This game takes cooperative gameplay to a whole new level. Forget about those games where you kinda work together but still have that one friend trying to outshine everyone else. In Ghost Stories, it’s all for one and one for all!

Players become Taoist monks, working together to defend a village from a horde of ghosts. It sounds simple, right? But, oh boy, does it get intense. Each player has a unique ability, and figuring out the best way to combine these abilities is key to fending off the spectral threat. This isn’t just about rolling dice and moving pieces; it’s about strategy, quick thinking, and, most importantly, teamwork.

Now that we’ve tackled the thrilling teamwork required in Ghost Stories, let’s turn our attention to its difficulty level and balance, ensuring every game is a challenging yet fair fight against the supernatural.

Ghost Stories -  - Credit: noursy

The Chilling Challenge of Ghost Stories

Let’s talk about what really sets Ghost Stories apart: its difficulty level and how well it balances challenge and fun. For starters, this game is tough. And I mean, sometimes it feels like the ghosts are playing with cheat codes tough. But here’s the kicker – it’s this very challenge that makes every win feel like a major triumph.

Finding the Balance

The balance in Ghost Stories is a finely honed blade. Yes, the game can be brutal, but it never feels unfair. It’s all about strategy, cooperation, and a bit of luck. The game tests your problem-solving skills and adaptability, ensuring that no two games feel the same. This dynamic keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting.

Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, Ghost Stories throws another curveball your way, making for an exhilarating experience. And isn’t that what we all look for in a board game?

Next up, we’ll leap into the world of Artwork and Thematic Immersion, where the visual feast of Ghost Stories brings its eerie tales to life.

Ghost Stories -  - Credit: noursy

Stunning Visuals and Immersion in Ghost Stories

Let me tell you, the artwork in Ghost Stories is something to behold. Every time we set up the game, I’m blown away by the detail on the board and cards. It’s like they sucked the essence of a spooky, ancient Chinese village and splattered it all over the game. The ghosts aren’t just scary; they’re like little pieces of art. Don’t get me started on the Taoist monks – the heroes of our story. Each one is more badass than the last, and their design really makes you feel like you’re part of this epic ghost-busting squad.

The thematic immersion doesn’t stop at the visuals. The game makes you feel the pressure as if you’re really in this haunted village, trying to save your bacon from these spectral baddies. It’s a visual and emotional rollercoaster, all thanks to the top-notch artwork and theme implementation.

Hang on to your hats because we’re jumping from the visual feast to the heart of any game – Replayability and expansions.

Ghost Stories - Essen 2008 : Ghost Stories - Credit: santac

Why Ghost Stories Will Haunt Your Game Nights for Ages

Let’s talk about why Ghost Stories isn’t just a one-hit wonder. This game’s got legs, folks. Replayability? Through the roof. How they managed to pack so much variety into this box is beyond me. Every game feels like a new puzzle to solve, making it a staple at game nights.

And don’t get me started on the expansions. They’re like the cherry on top of an already delicious cake. They introduce new characters, ghosts, and even more strategic layers. It’s like the game keeps evolving, ensuring it never gets stale.

So, do I recommend Ghost Stories? Absolutely. If you’re into thrills, chills, and teamwork, this game belongs on your shelf. It’s not just a game; it’s an experience that keeps on giving.

Ghost Stories - evil, evil curse die. - Credit: dodecalouise


Well folks, that’s a wrap on our journey through the haunted paths of Ghost Stories. We’ve covered the thrill of its cooperative gameplay, grappled with its challenging balance of difficulty, marveled at the stunning artwork that pulls us into its eerie world, and discussed the endless adventures its replayability and expansions offer. It’s more than just a game; it’s a test of strategy, teamwork, and resolve. Despite its tough reputation, it’s the kind of challenge that keeps you coming back for more, always promising a unique experience with each play. So, if you’re up for the challenge and ready to face the spirits with your friends, Ghost Stories might just be the next great addition to your board game collection. Thanks for joining me on this review. May your strategy be strong, and your ghosts friendly!

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.