Endeavor: Box Cover Front

Endeavor Review

Played 'Endeavor' with friends and loved it! The strategic depth, stunning components, and thrilling player interaction kept us hooked. A few balance issues, but overall, a fantastic game. Highly recommend for strategy lovers!
  • Strategy and Depth
  • Component Quality and Artwork
  • Game Balance and Fairness
  • Replayability and Player Interaction
4.8/5Overall Score

'Endeavor' shines with strategic depth, quality components, and engaging player interaction, despite minor balance issues. Highly recommended!

  • Number of players: 2-5
  • Playing Time: 60-90 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 13+
  • Game Type: Strategy Board Game
  • Mechanics: Area Control, Resource Management
  • Theme: Age of Sail
  • Learning Curve: Moderate
  • Deep strategic gameplay
  • High-quality components
  • Excellent replayability
  • Engaging player interaction
  • Minor balance issues
  • Luck can influence
  • Learning curve steep
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to my review of Endeavor, a board game that has been making waves among my gaming group. After several playthroughs, I’m here to dive deep into what makes this game tick. From its strategic depth to the stunning components and artwork, we’ve explored it all. But it’s not just about looks; the balance and fairness of gameplay have also been under our microscope. And of course, what’s a game without replayability and solid player interaction? Let’s get into the details and see if Endeavor lives up to the hype!

How It Plays

Gather your friends, because we’re diving into Endeavor, a game where you’re seafaring captains aiming to expand your empire through exploration, trade, and conquest. Here’s a crash course on getting into the action.

Setting Up

First, lay out the game board, which shows the world ready for your taking. Each player picks a color and gets the matching ships, buildings, and workers. Shuffle the asset cards, place them on their spots, and set up the market. The game scales based on player count, so make sure you’ve got everything in the right place for the number of players.


Gameplay in Endeavor flows over seven rounds, with each round having three key phases: Building, Population, and Actions. In Building, you’ll construct stuff to grow your ability to act. Population is about getting the workers you need to run your newly built places. Lastly, Actions are where the fun is – sending out your ships to explore, trade, or conquer. You’ll be picking up asset cards, expanding your influence, and maybe fighting a bit with your friends to control valuable spots.

Winning the Game

To win in Endeavor, it’s all about the points. These come from your buildings, controlled regions, and collected cards. When the dust settles at the end of the seventh round, the player with the most points gets to crown themselves the most dominant empire and wins the game. Strategy, my friends, is key here, so keep your wits sharp and your decisions sharper.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Endeavor.

Strategic Depth and Decision-Making in Endeavor

Let’s cut to the chase; Endeavor is not your grandma’s board game. This game demands your brain to be on high alert, strategizing and plotting like a mastermind. Every move you make is like a piece of a larger puzzle you’re trying to solve before your friends do. The strategic depth here is like the Mariana Trench – deep and full of hidden mysteries. You’re not just moving pieces around willy-nilly; you’re making decisions that affect your influence across the globe.

What truly sets Endeavor apart is the variety of strategies you can deploy. Want to dominate through military might? Go for it. Prefer to woo the world with your cultural contributions? That’s an option too. The game respects your strategic prowess, offering multiple paths to victory. But beware, your friends are scheming too, making each decision a thrilling game of chess.

As you marvel at your burgeoning empire, remember, the battle is only half won. The true test of a conqueror lies in their appreciation of beauty. But more on that in the next section, Component Quality and Artwork.

Unboxing the Beauty: Component Quality and Artwork in Endeavor

The first thing you’ll notice when opening Endeavor is the sheer quality of its components. From the hefty, satisfying tokens that clink together with a promise of countless adventures to the detailed board that unfolds a world of exploration, every piece feels crafted with care. The artwork isn’t just a backdrop; it’s a journey. Each card, each tile tells a story, drawing players into the age of sail and exploration with vibrant colors and meticulous illustrations. This attention to detail doesn’t just make the game a pleasure to look at; it enhances the overall experience, making each playthrough not only a strategic challenge but a visual feast.

With our sails now set on aesthetics, let’s navigate towards the treacherous and intriguing waters of game balance and fairness.

Mastering the Seas and the Balance: Endeavor’s Game Equilibrium

In the world of board games, finding one where every player feels they’ve got a fighting chance from the get-go can be as rare as a pirate’s treasure. Yet, Endeavor sails smoothly on these troubled waters. The game’s balance is as sturdy as a well-crafted ship, providing an even playing field regardless of the strategy players choose. Whether you’re expanding your shipping empire, taking control of regions, or climbing the tracks of industry, military, and culture, Endeavor ensures no one strategy dominates the rest. This fairness isn’t just by chance; it’s clear the designers put thought into creating a balanced experience that rewards strategic planning over luck.

What keeps players coming back for more, you ask? Ahoy, matey! We’re setting the sails towards the vast ocean of Replayability and Player Interaction.

Keeping the Fun Going: Replayability and Player Interaction in Endeavor

Let’s get real for a moment. You’re not dropping your hard-earned cash on a board game just to play it once and shove it to the back of the closet. Lucky for you, Endeavor nails the replayability factor. With its diverse strategies and dynamic game mechanics, each playthrough feels fresh. You can try new tactics, explore different paths to victory, and still find yourself itching to play just one more round.

Where the Magic Happens: Player Interaction

Now, what’s a game night without a bit of banter and rivalry? Endeavor brings players together in a dance of diplomacy, competition, and sometimes, a friendly backstab or two. The interaction isn’t just about blocking your friend’s move; it’s strategic, making alliances or breaking them at the perfect moment. This level of engagement keeps everyone on their toes and deeply invested till the very end.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Endeavor for your next game night. Its replayability paired with rich player interaction ensures a spot on the table for many nights to come.


Wrapping up our dive into Endeavor, I’ve got to say, this game is a solid hit in my book. From its strategic depth that keeps you on your toes, to the high-quality components and stunning artwork that bring the game to life, it’s a feast for both the brain and the eyes. The balance and fairness ensure that every player has a fighting chance to win, adding to the excitement. And let’s not forget the replayability and player interaction that make each game unique and engaging. Whether you’re plotting your next move or negotiating with friends, Endeavor delivers. It’s not just another game; it’s an experience that I highly recommend for any game night. So, as we conclude this review, if you’re looking for a game that blends strategy, aesthetics, and fun interaction with a fair and balanced gameplay, Endeavor should definitely be on your radar. Just remember, every decision counts, but it’s all in good fun!

4.8/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.