duck! duck! Go!: Box Cover Front

duck! duck! Go! Review

Duck! Duck! Go! is a hilarious, lighthearted game with adorable components and strategic twists. Great for family game nights, despite some minor balance issues.
  • Gameplay Mechanics
  • Balance and Fairness
  • Component Quality
  • Fun Factor
4/5Overall Score

Duck! Duck! Go! is a hilarious, lighthearted family game with adorable ducks and strategic gameplay, despite minor balance issues.

  • Number of players: 2-6
  • Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 8+
  • Game type: Strategy, Family
  • Components: Modular board, Duck miniatures, Movement cards
  • Setup Time: 5-10 minutes
  • Publisher: Alderac Entertainment Group
  • Adorable duck miniatures
  • Strategic gameplay
  • Unpredictable fun
  • Great for family nights
  • Balance issues
  • Luck-heavy mechanics
  • Rulebook not user-friendly
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Welcome to my review of Duck! Duck! Go! – a board game that promises to quack you up! This game isn’t just about ducks; it’s about strategy, unpredictable twist and turns, and adorable miniatures. I’ve played this game with my friends and have plenty to squawk about. So, let’s waddle through the good, the bad, and the downright hilarious aspects of this game!

How It Plays

Setting Up

First, assemble the modular board by connecting the tiles. Each player picks a duck miniature and places it at the starting position. Shuffle the movement cards and deal five cards to each player. Place the remaining cards in a draw pile.


Players take turns playing a movement card and moving their duck according to the arrows. Quirky mechanics like bumping another duck add a fun twist. If two ducks land on the same space, hilarity ensues as one gets pushed aside. At the end of each turn, players draw a new card to keep five cards in their hand.

Winning the Game

The first duck to reach the designated finish line wins. It’s a race to victory and a test of strategy and luck. Just remember, like any good duck race, expect the unexpected!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for duck! duck! Go!.

Gameplay Mechanics in Duck! Duck! Go!

Have you ever wished that the classic game of duck, duck, goose had a strategic twist to it? Well, duck! duck! go! delivers just that. In this game, you and your friends turn into rubber ducks racing on a pond. But it’s not all fun and games; there’s strategy involved too!

The game uses a modular board, which means that every time you play, the pond’s layout changes. This gives each game a fresh feel. You have a set of movement cards that let you steer your duck. Make no mistake—this isn’t random! You must plan your moves carefully to outsmart your friends. The goal? Get your duck to be the first to touch all checkpoints and cross the finish line.

Now, let’s talk about the fun part: actions. You can bump other ducks, sending them off course. They might quack in frustration, but it’s all in good fun. The catch is managing your cards wisely. Some cards let you move faster, while others let you dodge obstacles. Choosing when to use each card adds a layer of strategy that keeps everyone on their toes.

One thing I loved was how the game encourages you to think ahead while also reacting to your friends’ moves. It felt like a blend of chess and bumper cars, with rubber ducks! It’s a unique twist that adds plenty of replay value.

Next up, we’ll waddle over to discuss how balanced and fair the game is. Stay tuned!

Balance and Fairness in Duck! Duck! Go!

When it comes to balance and fairness, Duck! Duck! Go! is a mixed bag. Let’s face it, balance is crucial. Nobody wants to spend an evening flipping the table because of unfair mechanics. In this duck-themed game, the design is mostly solid, but a few quirks made my feathers ruffle.

Firstly, the game uses a deck of movement cards for each player. You would think this leaves room for strategy, but sometimes, the luck of the draw can make you quack in frustration. Imagine this: you’re all set to make a grand move, only to find you pulled three duds in a row. Not ideal.

Another point is the player interaction. It’s often hilarious, sure, especially when you bump another duck off course. But if you’re on the receiving end frequently, it can feel like you’re a sitting duck. In my experience, the game isn’t always sympathetic to players who fall behind, which can create a bit of a gap in play enjoyment.

But don’t fly off the handle just yet; there are redeeming moments. The game has built-in mechanics that mitigate luck somewhat, like strategic positioning and decision-making. These can help even the odds. However, if you’re someone who gets ruffled by unpredictability, keep this in mind.

In the next section, I’ll waddle over to discuss the game’s component quality. Spoiler alert: it looks duck-tastic.

Component Quality in Duck! Duck! Go!

Duck! Duck! Go! has some of the cutest game pieces I’ve ever seen. The little duck miniatures are adorable and well-made. They look like they’ve waddled straight out of a cartoon. My friends and I spent a few minutes just admiring them before we even started playing. The board itself is modular, which means it’s like a puzzle you get to set up differently every time you play. The tiles fit snugly together, though sometimes a bit too snugly. You might find yourself wrestling with them a bit to get everything lined up.

The movement cards are sturdy and have nice, colorful artwork. They can take a beating without getting those dreaded bent corners, which is a plus. Now, the box itself is another story. It’s functional but nothing spectacular. You’ll want to find a rubber band or something to keep it shut if you’re planning to take it on the go. Speaking of portability, this game is quite easy to carry around. You won’t break your back lugging it to game night.

One minor gripe: the rulebook isn’t the most user-friendly. It gets the job done, but it could be laid out better. We had to re-read a couple of sections to make sure we weren’t missing anything. I guess you can’t have it all, right?

All in all, the component quality of Duck! Duck! Go! is pretty good, with a few quirks here and there. Next, let’s quack our way into the Fun factor of this feathery game!

Quirky Fun With Duck! Duck! Go!

Have you ever wanted to be a rubber duck navigating a bathtub course? Well, Duck! Duck! Go! makes that dream a reality, and it’s hilariously fun! I played this with friends, and we couldn’t stop laughing. The game’s lighthearted theme, combined with its playful mechanics, keeps everyone engaged and giggling.

One of the main highlights is the unpredictability. You never quite know who’s going to get bumped or who will end up in a bubble whirlpool. The laughter that ensues when you see someone’s careful plan go awry is priceless. There’s something incredibly satisfying about seeing your duck zip across the tiles, only to be thwarted by a fellow player’s move. It’s like a cartoon come to life!

My game nights with Duck! Duck! Go! often end in hilarious stories. Like the time my friend tried to be all serious and strategic, only to get bumped back to the start. Or when another friend thought they’d win in the next move but got caught in a bubble trap. The unpredictable nature of the game leads to these memorable moments that we talk about even weeks later.

If you’re looking for a deep, strategic game, Duck! Duck! Go! might not be for you. But if you want a game that’s all about fun, silliness, and making memories, this game is a fantastic choice. I definitely recommend it for a light-hearted game night!


That’s a wrap on my review of Duck! Duck! Go! If you love quirky, light-hearted games with adorable components, this one’s a winner. Sure, it has a pinch of luck and some mechanics might feel a tad unbalanced, but it’s all part of the chaotic fun. Great for family game nights or just hanging out with friends. Just be ready for some bumps and laughs along the way!

4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.