duck! duck! Go!: Box Cover Front

duck! duck! Go! Review

Duck! Duck! Go! offers a wild ride with rubber ducks skidding around while players strategize and laugh. It’s charming, chaotic, and a bit luck-driven, though not perfect, it guarantees a quacking good time with friends.
  • Game Mechanics
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality and Artwork
  • Replayability and Balance
3.8/5Overall Score

Duck! Duck! Go! offers chaotic duck racing fun with strategy and humor, though luck and balance could improve.

  • Number of players: 2-6
  • Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 8+
  • Game Type: Race/Strategy
  • Components: Duck pieces, cards, board tiles
  • Publisher: Ape Games
  • Year Published: 2009
  • Charming duck pieces
  • Humor-filled gameplay
  • Strategy meets unpredictability
  • Great for lighthearted fun
  • Luck impacts outcome
  • Unbalanced mechanics
  • Limited replayability
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Welcome to my review of Duck! Duck! Go!! Have you ever wondered what it’d be like if ducks had their own high-speed race course, complete with hilarious chaos and quack-tastic surprises? Well, that’s where this game comes in! In the realm of board games, where balance and strategy often reign supreme, Duck! Duck! Go! waddles in with a splash of humor and some pesky unpredictability. This game keeps you on your toes, or should I say webbed feet, as you flap your way to victory with charming duck pieces and vibrant artwork. But, is it all it’s quacked up to be? Let’s find out!

How It Plays

If you’ve ever thought rubber ducks needed their own board game, boy do I have news for you!

Setting Up

Lay out the modular board tiles to create a pond. Each player grabs a cute little rubber duck. Place your ducks on the starting line and you’re ready for some quacky action!


Players draw movement cards and use them to navigate their ducks around the pond. Be careful—plan your moves, or you might end up in a whirlpool or a dead-end! The game’s chaotic fun comes from misjudged turns and unexpected collisions. It’s more Mario Kart than chess, I promise.

Winning the Game

The winner is the first duck to reach the opposite end of the pond. Get there before your friends, and you’ve mastered the art of pond racing!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for duck! duck! Go!.

Waddling Through the Game Mechanics and Rules of Duck! Duck! Go!

Get ready, folks! Duck! Duck! Go! sets you on a wild waterway race. You and your pals navigate colorful ducklings across a pond using cards. But don’t get too quacked up, as every card holds a secret move. The aim? Glide your feathered friends to the finish line, while dodging tricky obstacles.

I remember my first game. I confidently moved my duck, only to end up in a whirlpool! My friend Sally laughed so hard, she nearly snorted her drink. That’s the charm here. The rules are simple: each player gets a bunch of cards, each showing a different move. You take turns playing them, trying to outsmart others.

But here’s the catch, and it’s a big flappy one. Luck plays a role. You can plan the best moves, only for luck to send your duck in circles. And not in a good, funny way. For strategy lovers, this might ruffle a few feathers. But for family fun, it’s a hoot. Sometimes, unpredictable quacks are just what you need after a long day!

While the game is light-hearted and silly, some might feel it’s a tad unbalanced. Players with good card memory skills can have an edge, and those who don’t might feel like they’re swimming against the current. But grab a beverage and a seat, because next up, I’ll chat about how this game really gets us ducks engaging with each other. See you in the next section when ducks, I mean, folks, get interactive!

Player Interaction and Engagement in Duck! Duck! Go!

Ah, the infamous Duck! Duck! Go! A game where rubber duckies take center stage on a chaotic pond race course. Now, if you’re like me, the sight of a board game with rubber duckies makes you giggle uncontrollably. But the fun quotient increases tenfold when you’ve got a group of friends who are just as bonkers about rubber duck races!

The player interaction in Duck! Duck! Go! is nothing short of hilarious. As you might guess from the name, it’s a little like bumper cars but with ducks. The way you interact with your feathered opponents is both comical and strategic. Think Mario Kart, but with ducks in water. One minute you’re in the lead, cruising through the pond, and the next, you’re bumped aside by a sneaky opponent. You must plan your moves, anticipate other players’ actions, and occasionally quack your way to the finish line.

One of the most engaging aspects of this game is the unpredictability. You can’t help but stay on your toes—or your webbed feet, in this case. You’ll find yourself negotiating alliances, backstabbing friends, and sharing gleeful laughter as someone’s duck takes an unexpected detour. It’s a game where your social skills, I dare say, matter as much as your strategy. Quack tactfully, and victory just might be yours. If you’re looking for a game that bonds friendships while provoking a good-natured rivalry, Duck! Duck! Go! is a great pick.

Next up, let’s float downstream to explore the component quality and artwork, which might just ruffle some feathers in all the best ways.

Component Quality and Artwork in Duck! Duck! Go!

Alright, let’s talk about the component quality of Duck! Duck! Go! – a game as quacky as its name. Imagine this: I’m sitting with my friends, cats lurking in the background, when we bust open the box. My first thought? “These ducks are adorable!” The little wooden duck pieces are as cute as they come, and they’re crafted with care. Holding these ducks felt like finding treasure at the bottom of my cereal box – a delightful surprise! The board pieces and tiles are sturdy enough to withstand even the most heated game nights. No flimsy bits here! This means less time worrying about accidently ripping a piece during one of those intense duck races.

Now, onto the artwork. If you love ducks and races like I do, you’re in for a treat. The artwork captures the whimsy of waddling ducks in vibrant colors that pop. It’s like a tiny world where ducks have their own personalities. The canals look inviting enough for a scenic paddle, if only I were a duck! My mates and I were particularly impressed with how the artist managed to make a game about ducks on water not only engaging but visually pleasing. The art might not be Van Gogh, but it sure makes the gameplay more immersive. I just wish they’d included a floating banana peel for those occasional ducky spin-outs.

So, if you’re in for solid components and charming artwork, Duck! Duck! Go! won’t disappoint. Next up, I’ll quack you up with a discussion on its replayability and balance. Stay tuned, because the duck tale is about to get juicier!

Replayability and Balance in Duck! Duck! Go!

Last Saturday, we huddled around the table, scrambled (pun intended) our ducks and set sail once more with Duck! Duck! Go!. Replayability is a big plus here. Why? Each game feels different thanks to the dynamic board setup and unpredictable duck movement. It’s like playing Mario Kart, but with ducks and a lot less banana peels! You never quite know where your feathered friend will end up.

The game’s balance also holds its own. It’s clear the creators crafted each move with care. But let’s get quacky for a moment: if you’re the kind of player who fancies precision over luck, this might ruffle your feathers a bit. Those ducks sometimes seem like they’ve had a bit too much to drink at the pond, wobbling unexpectedly around corners!

But let’s face it – that’s part of the charm! Friends and family can cluck about their misadventures, racing along and sometimes bumping into each other. It keeps everyone laughing and engaged. The unpredictability, while adding to replay value, also brings a bit of imbalance. Winning often feels like an achievement, but remember that luck plays a cheeky role.

So, do I recommend Duck! Duck! Go!? Absolutely! As long as you’re not expecting cut-throat competition, you’ll find joy here. It’s all in good fun and feathers. If you’re ready to flap your wings and give it a go, go for it! So, gather your flock, be prepared for a few laughs and some exciting chaos.


So, there you have it! Duck! Duck! Go! is a game that combines chaos, fun, and a splash of strategy. If you’re looking for a light-hearted race with unpredictable outcomes and a chance to laugh at your own bad luck, this might just quack you up. Just remember, if you’re a stickler for strategy, the luck factor might ruffle some feathers. All in all, it’s a delightful experience but not without its quirks. That concludes our review – happy racing!

3.8/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.