Dominant Species: Box Cover Front
Dominant Species - Two-player; fiercely fought. - Credit: Aldaron
Dominant Species - Ending of our first complete game. - Credit: killy9999
Dominant Species - Half way through a 6 player game.  Mammals went on to win 124 to 123 over the Birds! - Credit: Bassfisher44
Dominant Species - Dominant Species after Round 2 of a 2-player game using the 3-species variant. First game of DS we've played and loving it! - Credit: RequiemX
  1. Dominant Species: Box Cover Front
  2. Dominant Species - Two-player; fiercely fought. - Credit: Aldaron
  3. Dominant Species - Ending of our first complete game. - Credit: killy9999
  4. Dominant Species - Half way through a 6 player game.  Mammals went on to win 124 to 123 over the Birds! - Credit: Bassfisher44
  5. Dominant Species - Dominant Species after Round 2 of a 2-player game using the 3-species variant. First game of DS we've played and loving it! - Credit: RequiemX

Dominant Species Review

"Dominant Species combines captivating gameplay mechanics, dynamic player interaction, strategic depth, and immersive theme to create an exceptional board gaming experience. It's a must-play for those seeking a challenging and engaging journey into the animal kingdom."
  • Gameplay mechanics
  • Player interaction
  • Strategy and tactics
  • Theme and immersion
4.4/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

In this Dominant Species review, we explored a captivating and immersive board game that excels in gameplay mechanics, player interaction, strategy and tactics, as well as theme and immersion. With its engaging gameplay, dynamic player interaction, and strategic depth, Dominant Species delivers an exceptional gaming experience. The integration of theme, evocative artwork, and immersive components further enhance the overall enjoyment. This game challenges players to think ahead, adapt their strategy, and make wise decisions. Ultimately, Dominant Species stands as a must-play for those seeking a deep and immersive board game that brings the animal kingdom to life.

  • Number of players: 2-6 players
  • Playing Time: 90-120 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 14 years and up
  • Complexity: Medium to High
  • Game Designer: Chad Jensen
  • Game Publisher: GMT Games
  • Game Mechanics: Area Control, Worker Placement
  • Components: Board, Tiles, Meeples, Cards, Action Cubes
  • Game Theme: Animal kingdom, Evolution, Survival
  • Engaging gameplay
  • Dynamic player interaction
  • Thematic immersive experience
  • Strategic depth
  • Long playing time
  • Complexity may overwhelm some
  • Not suitable for young players
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Welcome to the review of Dominant Species, a captivating and immersive board game that brings the animal kingdom to life. In this review, we will explore the gameplay mechanics, player interaction, strategy and tactics, as well as the theme and immersion that make Dominant Species a standout in the world of board gaming.

How It Plays

Setting up

In Dominant Species, the game begins by setting up the board, which consists of hexagonal tiles representing different terrains and habitats. Players choose their animal species, each with their unique abilities, and place the corresponding species markers on the starting hexes.


The game is played over a series of rounds, with each round consisting of several phases. Players take turns executing actions, such as adapting their species or spreading their influence on the board. Actions are performed by spending action cubes and using special ability cards.

Throughout the game, players must manage their resources, strategically adapt to changes in the environment, and engage in direct conflicts with other players’ species. The game introduces environmental cards that can have far-reaching impacts on gameplay, adding an element of surprise and unpredictability.

Winning the game

The ultimate goal in Dominant Species is to earn the most victory points by the end of the game. Victory points are gained through various ways, such as controlling territories, having a dominance presence in specific habitats, and achieving personal milestones. Players must carefully balance their focus on expanding their influence and attacking opponents while ensuring the survival and thriving of their own species.

At the end of a set number of rounds, the game comes to a thrilling conclusion, and the player with the most victory points emerges as the dominant species, leading their animal kingdom to triumph and survival.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Dominant Species.

In Dominant Species, the gameplay mechanics are nothing short of captivating. From the moment you set up the board to the final move, every aspect of the game is designed to keep players engaged and immersed.

An Array of Actions

The game offers a wide range of actions that players can take on their turns. From adapting their species, to spreading their influence on the board, to attacking other players’ species, the possibilities are endless. This variety adds depth and strategic complexity to each decision, ensuring that every move counts. Transitioning smoothly from one action to another, players are constantly faced with interesting choices, keeping them on their toes throughout the game.

Distinct Species Abilities

One of the most intriguing aspects of the gameplay mechanics in Dominant Species is the unique abilities of each species. Each player controls a different animal species, and each species has its own special abilities and advantages. This introduces asymmetry into the game, creating an extra layer of complexity and allowing players to develop diverse and creative strategies. Whether it’s being able to adapt more efficiently or having stronger defensive capabilities, each species brings its own set of advantages and challenges to consider.

Environmental Dilemmas

Another exciting feature of the gameplay dynamics revolves around the environmental changes that occur between turns. The game introduces environmental cards that represent events such as climate shifts and natural disasters. These events can significantly impact players’ strategies and force them to adapt their approach on the fly. The unpredictability of these environmental dilemmas adds an element of surprise and excitement, pushing players to think strategically and adjust their plans accordingly.

As mentioned at the start, it’s hard to stop admiring the rich gameplay mechanics in Dominant Species. However, the game offers more than just an immersive gameplay experience. Let’s move on to the next section and discover the thrilling world of player interaction.

Dominant Species - Two-player; fiercely fought. - Credit: Aldaron

A Dynamic Interplay of Players

In Dominant Species, player interaction is at the core of the game. With its competitive nature and strategic depth, the game thrives on the dynamic interplay between players, creating a thrilling and immersive experience.

Direct Conflict and Competition

The game encourages players to directly interact with each other through conflict and competition. Throughout the game, players vie for control over territories, fight to survive against attacks from others, and strategically sabotage each other’s plans. This constant tension and competition add a layer of excitement, requiring players to stay alert and adapt their strategies based on their opponents’ moves. Transitioning seamlessly between moments of collaboration and competition, the player interaction remains engaging and challenging.

Expanding and Dominating

While players have their individual objectives, expanding and dominating the board is a crucial aspect of the game. Player interaction is prominent in the race to establish dominance over territories. Each decision made by one player has a direct impact on the opportunities and limitations faced by others. This creates a dynamic environment in which players must constantly evaluate the risks and rewards of their actions. The ongoing battle for control fosters a sense of urgency and strategic thinking, ensuring every turn is full of suspense and strategic depth.

Trading and Negotiation

Another intriguing form of player interaction in Dominant Species is the opportunity for trading and negotiating. During the game, players can engage in diplomatic exchanges, forming alliances, trading resources, or making deals. These negotiations not only provide opportunities for mutual benefit but also add a social and psychological element to the gameplay experience. Players must carefully navigate these interactions, balancing their own interests with the trust and deception that is intrinsic in negotiation, making each interaction a critical moment in the game.

Player interaction in Dominant Species is a riveting experience, continuously challenging and engaging. But hold on tight, because next, we’ll delve into the strategies and tactics required to succeed in this captivating game.

Dominant Species - Ending of our first complete game. - Credit: killy9999

Mastering the Art of Strategy and Tactics

Strategy and tactics are paramount in Dominant Species, where every decision can determine the outcome of the game. With its depth and complexity, the game offers players the opportunity to strategically plan their moves and employ clever tactics to gain an edge over their opponents.

Long-Term Planning

One key aspect of strategy in Dominant Species is the ability to think ahead and make long-term plans. Successful players carefully consider the consequences of their actions, taking into account the evolving state of the board, the abilities of their species, and the reactions of other players. This thoughtful approach ensures that each move contributes to a larger strategy, allowing players to set themselves up for success in the later stages of the game.

Adapting to Changing Circumstances

Tactics play a vital role in Dominant Species, as the game constantly presents players with new challenges and shifting circumstances. Skillful players must be flexible and adaptable, able to adjust their tactics on the fly based on the actions of their opponents and the changing state of the board. The ability to seize opportunities, respond swiftly to threats, and pivot their strategy when necessary is key to gaining an advantage and staying ahead in the game.

Resource Management

A solid strategy in Dominant Species requires efficient resource management. Players must carefully allocate and utilize their resources to maximize their effectiveness. Whether it’s gathering food for their species, acquiring additional action cubes, or optimizing the usage of adaptation cards, wise decision-making in resource management can significantly impact a player’s ability to execute their strategy effectively. Balancing short-term gains with long-term sustainability is a critical factor in achieving success in the game.

Strategy and tactics are the backbone of Dominant Species, offering players both the challenge of devising a winning strategy and the thrill of executing tactical maneuvers to gain an advantage. But that’s not all this game has to offer. Next, we’ll dive into the immersive theme that brings the whole experience to life.

Dominant Species - Half way through a 6 player game.  Mammals went on to win 124 to 123 over the Birds! - Credit: Bassfisher44

The theme and immersion in Dominant Species truly pull players into a vivid and immersive experience. The game successfully transports players to a world where they take on the role of different animal species, each vying for survival and dominance in an ever-changing ecosystem.

Engrossing Theme Integration

The integration of theme into the mechanics and components of Dominant Species is exceptional. The game incorporates thematic elements such as adaptation, competition for resources, and survival instincts in a way that resonates with the gameplay mechanics. The actions and decisions players make feel true to the theme, enhancing the immersion and making players feel like they are truly experiencing the challenges faced by their chosen species.

Evocative Art and Components

The artwork and components of Dominant Species further enhance the theme and immersion of the game. The board is beautifully illustrated, depicting diverse landscapes and habitats. The detailed tokens representing the different species are visually appealing and evoke a sense of the animal kingdom. From the animal meeples to the resource cards, every component is well-designed and contributes to the overall thematic experience.

Narrative Moments and Emergent Stories

Dominant Species has the ability to generate narrative moments and emergent stories that add depth to the gameplay experience. Whether it’s a desperate battle for survival, a surprising alliance formed, or a cleverly executed strategy, the game often creates memorable moments that players can talk about long after the game is over. These narrative elements create a connection between the players and the game, elevating the immersion and making each playthrough feel unique and significant.

In conclusion, Dominant Species is a game that excels in its gameplay mechanics, player interaction, strategy and tactics, as well as its immersive theme. The captivating mechanics, the dynamic interplay between players, the thoughtful strategy required, and the immersive theme combine to create a truly exceptional gaming experience. So, without a doubt, I highly recommend Dominant Species to board game enthusiasts who are seeking a game that offers depth, challenge, and a thrilling immersion into the animal kingdom.


In conclusion, Dominant Species is a highly recommended board game that offers a captivating and immersive experience for players. With its rich gameplay mechanics, dynamic player interaction, strategic depth, and thematic immersion, the game stands out as a must-play for board game enthusiasts. The array of actions, distinct species abilities, and environmental dilemmas keep players engaged and constantly challenged. The direct conflict and competition, as well as the trading and negotiation opportunities, create a dynamic and thrilling interplay between players. Furthermore, the integration of theme, evocative artwork, and immersive components further enhance the overall experience. With Dominant Species, be prepared for a thrilling journey into the animal kingdom!

4.4/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.