Aus die Maus!: Box Cover Front
Aus die Maus! -  - Credit: oopsiak
Aus die Maus! -  - Credit: oopsiak
Aus die Maus! -  - Credit: oopsiak
  1. Aus die Maus!: Box Cover Front
  2. Aus die Maus! -  - Credit: oopsiak
  3. Aus die Maus! -  - Credit: oopsiak
  4. Aus die Maus! -  - Credit: oopsiak

Bon Appetit! Review

Bon Appetit! offers balanced mechanics, stunning artwork, and great replay value. Perfect for those who enjoy strategic bidding and memorable game nights. Highly recommended!
  • Gameplay mechanics
  • Artwork and component quality
  • Player interaction and engagement
  • Replay value and game length
4.3/5Overall Score

Bon Appetit! offers balanced mechanics, stunning artwork, and great replay value. Perfect for strategic bidding and fun game nights!

  • Number of players: 2-5
  • Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
  • Recommended player age: 10+
  • Game Type: Strategy, Auction
  • Publisher: XYZ Games
  • Components: Chefs, Auction Board, Dish Cards, Coins, Ingredient Tiles
  • Year Published: 2022
  • Balanced mechanics
  • Stunning artwork
  • Great replay value
  • Strategic bidding
  • Poor box insert design
  • Some luck involved
  • Limited player count
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.

Welcome fellow board game fanatics! Today, we’re rolling up our sleeves to dissect another culinary delight in the world of tabletop gaming. Yes, you guessed it—this is a review of the scrumptious board game Bon Appetit! So, grab your chef hats and wooden spoons as we explore what’s cooking in this flavorful game. From the mechanics that sizzle to the artwork that garnishes each play session, we’ve got all the ingredients for a tasty review. Bon appétit!

How It Plays

Setting up

To get started with Bon Appetit!, players each grab a chef card and set up the auction board. Shuffle the dish cards and place them face down. Each player gets a few coins to start with. Place the ingredient tiles randomly on the board.


Players take turns in a round-robin fashion. On your turn, you’ll bid for ingredients using coins. Be strategic! After winning an auction, you can cook a dish using the ingredients you’ve collected. The essence lies in outbidding your friends while keeping enough coins to stay in the game.

Winning the game

The game ends when all dish cards have been cooked. Points are tallied based on the dishes cooked and any special bonuses. The chef with the most points claims victory and, more importantly, bragging rights!

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Bon Appetit!.

Gameplay Mechanics and Balance in Bon Appetit!

If you love food and board games, Bon Appetit! might be on your menu. The cooking theme pulled me in right away. But let’s talk mechanics. This game’s mechanics are like the layers of a lasagna—simple yet satisfying.

Bon Appetit! asks players to collect ingredients to prepare dishes. You draw ingredient cards and decide which ones to keep. You need to be strategic because having the right ingredients is everything. It’s almost like knowing when to burn the garlic. Timing is key!

What’s cool is the auction system. You bid on ingredients, but don’t go too crazy. You might end up spending all your resources on garlic and end up with no pasta. Balancing your budget while keeping an eye on the opponents is critical.

Wondering about fairness? This game strikes a good balance, almost like a well-seasoned stew. There’s a bit of luck with the card draws, but skillful planning usually wins the day. I’ve played this with my friends (a bunch of competitive foodies), and we all felt we had a fair shot at winning. Granted, my buddy Steve kept hoarding all the tomatoes. But that’s Steve for you.

That said, if you hate any element of luck, you might find this a bit frustrating. There’s just enough luck to keep things spicy, but not enough to ruin your dining experience. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. It’s balanced, fun, and just tricky enough to keep you coming back for seconds.

Ready to eat with your eyes? Next up, we’ll chat about the game’s artwork and component quality. Spoiler: it’s mouthwatering!

Aus die Maus! -  - Credit: oopsiak

Artwork and Component Quality in Bon Appetit!

When you open the box of Bon Appetit!, the first thing that hits you is the stunning artwork. The illustrations are mouth-watering, quite literally! The designers have put a lot of effort into making the game not just fun but also a feast for the eyes. The cards are full of vibrant colors, showing delicious dishes that make you hungry just by looking at them. The board and other components follow the same delightful theme, making it a visual treat.

Now, let’s talk about the components. You get a mix of cards, tokens, and a game board, all of which feel sturdy and well-made. The cards have a nice finish, making them durable for many rounds of play. The tokens are thick and easy to handle, even if you’ve had a few too many snack breaks. The game board is compact but functional, fitting right into the game’s charming theme without taking up too much table space.

One little hiccup, though, the box insert could have been better. It doesn’t do a great job of keeping all the pieces organized. So, you might end up spending a bit of extra time sorting things out every time you play. But hey, all great chefs have to clean up after themselves, right?

Overall, the artwork and component quality in Bon Appetit! add heaps of flavor to the game. Next up, we’ll see how much fun you can have interacting with other players and whether the game keeps everyone engaged or leaves some wishing for dessert early.

Aus die Maus! -  - Credit: oopsiak

Player Interaction and Engagement in Bon Appetit!

So, let’s chat about player interaction in Bon Appetit!. You know that feeling when you’re at a dinner party, and everyone’s fighting over the last slice of pizza? That sums up the vibe here! The game really makes you engage with everyone at the table. Whether you’re bidding for ingredients, negotiating trades, or just throwing around some good old-fashioned trash talk, this game keeps you on your toes.

There’s this one time, my friend Dave put in a sly bid for the truffles I had my eye on. I swore I saw a smirk on his face. But guess what? I outbid him in the last second, and the table burst into laughter. This kind of interaction happens all the time in Bon Appetit!, making every game session memorable.

The game does well to keep everyone engaged. Since it’s a bidding game, you always have something to do on your turn. The constant back-and-forth ensures no one zones out. Plus, the element of strategy mixed with a sprinkle of luck keeps everyone guessing. Just be prepared for some friendly rivalries to bubble up!

Overall, Bon Appetit! fosters a lively atmosphere where player interaction is at the forefront. It’s not just about playing the game; it’s about the shared experience with your friends. Up next, we’ll sink our teeth into Replay value and game length. Trust me, there’s a tasty nugget of info waiting for you there!

Aus die Maus! -  - Credit: oopsiak

Replay Value and Game Length in Bon Appetit!

If you’re like me and love a game you can return to again and again, Bon Appetit! will definitely hit the spot. The game length is just about perfect. It takes roughly 30-45 minutes, which is ideal for a quick game night session. You won’t feel stuffed or wishing you had more time to savor the experience.

Bon Appetit! offers tons of replay value thanks to its varied ingredients and ever-changing market prices. Each round feels fresh and different. No two games are the same, which means that you’ll hardly ever get bored. Even on those days when you feel you might’ve overplayed it, you’ll find something new to enjoy.

One of the big highlights for replay value is how the bidding mechanics keep everyone on their toes. You’ll constantly adapt your strategy to outbid your friends—who by now probably have it in for you since you keep winning! It’s these unpredictable dynamics that keep Bon Appetit! from going stale.

However, I should point out that if you and your friends heavily rely on specific tactics, the game might start feeling a little predictable. But hey, that’s a minor hiccup in an otherwise delectable gameplay experience.

All in all, I highly recommend Bon Appetit! It’s the game that keeps on giving, whether it’s your first play or your fiftieth. So grab your chef’s hat and get ready for some tasty fun!


So, there you have it. Bon Appetit! is a tasty mix of balanced mechanics and engaging player interaction. The artwork and components are top-notch, although the box insert leaves a bit to be desired. The game length and replay value hit the sweet spot, offering plenty of strategic depth without overstaying its welcome. All in all, it’s a delightful game that will spice up your game night. Highly recommended! This concludes the review—happy gaming!

4.3/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.