Black Orchestra: Box Cover Front
Black Orchestra - Black Orchestra, Game Salute, 2016 — game board - Credit: W Eric Martin
Black Orchestra - Victory with everyone present - Credit: Aldaron
Black Orchestra - One of my personal heroes. - Credit: The Innocent
Black Orchestra - More like the BUNCH OF FAILURES ORCHESTRA. - Credit: The Innocent
Black Orchestra - Just bummin’ about Berlin, Herr Gestapo. Honest. - Credit: The Innocent
Black Orchestra - Parteitag in Nuremberg - Credit: f-p-p-m
Black Orchestra - early 3 player game - Credit: f-p-p-m
Black Orchestra - Black Orchestra never strays very far from its period. - Credit: The Innocent
Black Orchestra - In fact we kidnapped him and then..... (stage 4 - 3 players, 3rd plot attempt) - Credit: f-p-p-m
Black Orchestra - evil forces all over germany - Credit: f-p-p-m
  1. Black Orchestra: Box Cover Front
  2. Black Orchestra - Black Orchestra, Game Salute, 2016 — game board - Credit: W Eric Martin
  3. Black Orchestra - Victory with everyone present - Credit: Aldaron
  4. Black Orchestra - One of my personal heroes. - Credit: The Innocent
  5. Black Orchestra - More like the BUNCH OF FAILURES ORCHESTRA. - Credit: The Innocent
  6. Black Orchestra - Just bummin’ about Berlin, Herr Gestapo. Honest. - Credit: The Innocent
  7. Black Orchestra - Parteitag in Nuremberg - Credit: f-p-p-m
  8. Black Orchestra - early 3 player game - Credit: f-p-p-m
  9. Black Orchestra - Black Orchestra never strays very far from its period. - Credit: The Innocent
  10. Black Orchestra - In fact we kidnapped him and then..... (stage 4 - 3 players, 3rd plot attempt) - Credit: f-p-p-m
  11. Black Orchestra - evil forces all over germany - Credit: f-p-p-m

Black Orchestra Review

In Black Orchestra, strategic depth, cooperative play, and historical authenticity coalesce into a captivating board game experience that offers a unique window into WWII intrigue.
  • Strategic Depth
  • Cooperative Team Play
  • Historical Theme Immersion
  • Fun Factor
4.5/5Overall Score

Black Orchestra offers a remarkable blend of strategy, cooperative play, and historical engagement. A truly immersive WWII board game.

  • Number of Players: 1-5
  • Playing Time: 90-120 minutes
  • Recommended Player Age: 14+
  • Game Type: Cooperative Strategy
  • Designer: Philip duBarry
  • Publisher: Game Salute
  • Theme: WWII, Historical
  • Thrilling strategic depth
  • Rich cooperative play
  • Engaging historical theme
  • Encourages social interaction
  • Complex for beginners
  • Long playtime
  • Set up takes time
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.


Embarking on another session of board gaming, I find myself delving into the depths of strategy and camaraderie in ‘Black Orchestra‘. This review aims to shed light on the intricately designed gameplay that turns an evening with friends into an intense collaborative undertaking. As we dive into the epicenter of WWII plotting to overthrow a tyrant, stay tuned for a comprehensive breakdown of its eloquent balance between challenging decisions, the essential unity of team play, and the compelling embrace of history it provides.

How It Plays

Black Orchestra brings players into the heart of World War II’s underground resistance. Here’s a succinct grasp on the game’s flow.

Setting up

To set up, each player selects a historical figure involved in the conspiracy against Hitler. The game board is laid out, depicting various locations throughout the Third Reich. Cards are shuffled and dealt with to form draw piles, while plotters’ resources and Hitler’s military strength markers are set in place to begin the tense operation.


During gameplay, players move through the epochs, conducting actions such as acquiring items, gaining allies, hatching plots, and attempting to evade suspicion. Every turn inches closer to potentially assassinating Hitler, yet heightens the risk of attracting unwanted attention and the turn of the Gestapo question mark.

Winning the game

The goal is razor-clear—successfully execute a plot against Hitler to win the game. Players must collaborate, strategize and build the conspiracy’s momentum amidst fluctuating loyalty and danger levels. But be warned, a failed plot can mean total ruin, making each move a risky gambit in the shadows of history.

Want to know more? Read our extensive strategy guide for Black Orchestra.

The Art of Covert Actions

In crafting my Black Orchestra Review, I was profoundly struck by the complex strategic decision-making required. Notably, one play session dipped in tension: a dilemma presented itself — sabotage a key target or gather more intelligence. We paused, deliberating the precarious balance between audacity and calculation.

Anticipation and Adaptation

As players of Black Orchestra, we had to anticipate the game’s rhythm and adapt swiftly. I recall the thrill when a well-timed plot unfolded, demonstrating that strategy in this game is akin to a dance with both time and chance.

Risky Ventures, Critical Choices

Choices in Black Orchestra bear significant weight. Deciding whether to risk it all or bide our time was pivotal. These moments are when leaders emerge and stories are born within our circle.

The strategic canvas of Black Orchestra primes players for intricate teamwork, but it’s the nuances of Cooperative Team Play that truly forge unforgettable alliances.

Black Orchestra - Black Orchestra, Game Salute, 2016 — game board - Credit: W Eric Martin

Mastering Cohesion: The Heart of Black Orchestra

Last Thursday’s game night had us wrapped up in a dramatic session of Black Orchestra. My team’s cohesion hung in the balance as our characters wove through a cat-and-mouse concoction of powerful conspiracies meant to subvert a notorious regime.

Communication is Key

As we navigated intensifying patrols and tightening grips on our plots, clear communication became the cornerstone of our strategy. Should we risk a high-profile move or hold off for better setup? Hushed voices and slapped hands fine-tuned our clandestine operations.

Mutual Goals, Unique Roles

Each co-conspirator’s skills proved pivotal; a layered interdependence of roles blossomed into life-saving efficacy. The power of ‘Black Orchestra’s’ cooperative play shone through—that heart-thumping moment when the group huddled over a risky move was pure tabletop magic. This beautiful intersection of risk and reward captures what I value immensely in gaming experiences.

Watch how this pinnacle of teamwork feeds into thematic depth in the next section, ‘Immersive History: Reliving the Past’.

Black Orchestra - Victory with everyone present - Credit: Aldaron

Stepping Back in Time Through Play

Engaging in the Black Orchestra Review reinforced my appreciation for games that seamlessly weave historical themes into their core gameplay. I still recall the hushed intensity among my friends as we assumed the roles of conspirators plotting against the Nazi regime, the gravity of our characters’ real-world counterparts magnifying our experience.

Authenticity in the Details

From the meticulously crafted historical events affecting our actions down to the stylistically appropriate artwork, Black Orchestra entraps you within the era it depicts. It’s an enlightening journey, where each move is etched with the desperation and hope of the figures we embody.

Living History

Becoming deeply invested in our covert mission to change the course of history shaped a game night into an unexpected history lesson. This is the hallmark of a masterfully themed game: One moment, you’re socializing with friends; the next, you’re whispering dissidence in Nazi Germany.

For those who value an authentic historical setting as a means to enhance their board gaming experience, I wholeheartedly recommend Black Orchestra.

Black Orchestra - One of my personal heroes. - Credit: The Innocent


As we wrap up this review, we’ve traversed the cooperative high stakes of plotting against the Third Reich in Black Orchestra. From the intricate strategic tones resonating throughout the gameplay, to the depth of teamwork required to pull off a successful coup, this game invites players into a historically charged atmosphere, brimming with significant moments. The challenges and decisions faced foster a compelling narrative that stays with players long after the pieces are packed away. Ultimately, whether you’re a history buff, a strategy enthusiast, or keen on cooperative experiences, Black Orchestra resonates on multiple levels, offering an engaging board game that rightly belongs on your shelf.

4.5/5Overall Score
Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.