Best 9 Negotiation Board Games of 2024 Reviewed

Looking for top negotiation board games? Check out these 9 must-play games that will have you wheeling and dealing!
Disclaimer: Clicking our links may result in us earning enough for a new pair of dice, but not enough to quit our day jobs as amateur board game hustlers.
Sheriff of Nottingham coverCatan coverCosmic Encounter cover

Top 9 Negotiation-Based Board Games for New Players to Enjoy

On this list:

9 Sheriff of Nottingham

Sheriff of Nottingham cover

  • Age Range: 14+
  • Players: 3-5
  • Play Time: 60 minutes

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This game is a riot. Players take turns being the Sheriff, while others try to smuggle goods past them. The negotiation comes in when players try to bribe or deceive the Sheriff. We’ve had some hilarious moments with friends trying to outwit each other. It’s simple to learn but always engaging.

8 Catan

Catan cover

  • Age Range: 10+
  • Players: 3-4
  • Play Time: 60-120 minutes

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Catan is a classic. The game revolves around trading resources like wood, brick, and sheep. The negotiation element is crucial as you need to barter to build roads and settlements. Every game session brings fresh excitement, especially when someone tries some sneaky trades. This game never gets old.

7 Cosmic Encounter

Cosmic Encounter cover

  • Age Range: 12+
  • Players: 3-5
  • Play Time: 60-120 minutes

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Aliens, alliances, and betrayal. Cosmic Encounter has it all. Each player controls an alien species with unique abilities. Negotiation is key when forming temporary alliances. Just beware – alliances here are about as stable as a house of cards in a tornado. Fun and unpredictable.

6 The Resistance

The Resistance cover

  • Age Range: 13+
  • Players: 5-10
  • Play Time: 30 minutes

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This game is about trust… and breaking it. Players are either resistance operatives or spies. The negotiation part shines as you convince others you’re trustworthy. The tension in the room makes for an exhilarating experience. We’ve had some epic betrayals in our sessions.

5 Diplomacy

Diplomacy cover

  • Age Range: 12+
  • Players: 2-7
  • Play Time: 360 minutes

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True to its name, Diplomacy is all about forging and breaking alliances. It’s a longer game, but the depth of negotiation is unmatched. You really need to talk to other players to form strategies. It’s like playing Risk but with more backstabbing. Perfect for those who love deep strategy.

4 Chinatown

Chinatown cover

  • Age Range: 12+
  • Players: 3-5
  • Play Time: 60 minutes

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In Chinatown, you negotiate to trade properties and businesses. The whole game revolves around making deals to get the most profit. We’ve had heated bargaining sessions over this game. It’s quick to pick up but offers great depth. Perfect for fans of wheeling and dealing.

3 Bohnanza

Bohnanza cover

  • Age Range: 13+
  • Players: 2-7
  • Play Time: 45 minutes

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Bohnanza is a bean trading game where negotiation is key. You trade beans to collect sets and earn money. The twists and turns in trading make each session unique. We’ve had some wild trades and lots of laughs. It’s a fun, light-hearted game with plenty of negotiation.

2 Dead of Winter

Dead of Winter cover

  • Age Range: 13+
  • Players: 2-5
  • Play Time: 60-120 minutes

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Survival meets negotiation in Dead of Winter. Players work to survive in a zombie apocalypse but have personal objectives that can create conflict. The negotiation is thrilling, especially when suspicion arises about hidden motives. It adds layers of strategy and paranoia to every game night.

1 Twilight Imperium

Twilight Imperium cover

  • Age Range: 14+
  • Players: 3-6
  • Play Time: 240-480 minutes

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The crown jewel of negotiation games. Twilight Imperium is an epic space strategy game. Players negotiate treaties, trade, and alliances, all while vying for galactic dominance. It’s long but utterly immersive. The depth and complexity make it the best negotiation game, perfect for an all-day gaming session with friends.

Jamie in his proper element: With all of his board games
Jamie Hopkins

With years of dice-rolling, card-flipping, and strategic planning under my belt, I've transformed my passion into expertise. I thrive on dissecting the mechanics and social dynamics of board games, sharing insights from countless game nights with friends. I dive deep into gameplay mechanics, while emphasizing the social joys of gaming. While I appreciate themes and visuals, it's the strategy and camaraderie that truly capture my heart.