How To Play

Get the best tips, tricks & strategies for mastering your favorite games!

Fallout - Fallout, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

How To Play: Fallout

Fallout is a thrilling board game where character development, resource management, and quest navigation are key. Smart resource gathering, trading, and efficient use are crucial. Prioritize quests wisely, use fast travel, and keep an eye on quest levels. With these strategies, you can master the wasteland and win the game!
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Submarine cover

How To Play: Submarine

Ahoy, fellow gamers! Master Submarine by focusing on three key strategies: smart underwater mine placement, expert resource management, and sharp enemy detection. Set up components, follow rules, and use sonar and patterns. Dominate the ocean, and show your friends how it's done. Happy gaming!
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Spies!: Box Cover Front

How To Play: Spies!

For Spies!, master key strategies: effective bluffing by feigning ignorance and creating false alliances, strong team coordination with constant communication, and adaptability during gameplay. Remember to use tactics like blending in and learning from mistakes. Understanding game rules in detail is crucial to outsmarting opponents and securing victory.
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Simplicity: Box Cover Front

How To Play: Simplicity

Ready to master Simplicity? Focus on resource management, building efficiency, and optimization strategies. Key components: game board, player tokens, resource cards, building tiles, coin tokens, and rulebook. Follow rules: setup, gameplay, winning, special conditions. Conquer Simplicity with clever strategies, and make sure the dice favor you!
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Rush Hour: Box Cover Front

How To Play: Rush Hour

Rush Hour is all about piece positioning, critical moves, and efficient path optimization. Understand rules, master key strategies, and practice for success. Components include game board, cars, and cards. Use these tips to become a pro at solving traffic jams!
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Vector - Box cover (FX Schmidt Edition) - Credit: Marvelfan

How To Play: Vector

This guide covers Vector's optimal moves, opponent tactics, and rules. Master the board setup, control tempo, and disrupt opponent plans for victory. Components and setup details are included. Stay flexible and keep learning to improve your game. Wrapping up in style, play smart and enjoy every challenge Vector throws at you!
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New Amsterdam: Box Cover Front

How To Play: New Amsterdam

In New Amsterdam, manage resources wisely, control key areas, and optimize trade to win. Understand the rules, including setup, gameplay, and winning conditions. Make every move count by balancing resources and planning ahead while keeping an eye on opponents. Master these strategies to dominate New Amsterdam.
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Management: Box Cover Front

How To Play: Management

In our Management strategy guide, we cover resource allocation, player interaction, and timing/pacing. Included are the game components, setup, gameplay steps, and special rules. We conclude with strategic advice and an invitation to share the guide. Enjoy mastering your Management game with these tried-and-true tips!
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Portal: Box Cover Front

How To Play: Portal

Master Portal with these tips! For puzzle-solving, identify patterns and plan ahead. Perfect portal placement using map knowledge and high ground control. Manage resources by prioritizing and tracking spending. For full rules, setup, and strategies, check out our How To Play portal. Unleash your inner portal master!
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Bridge: Box Cover Front

How To Play: Bridge

Mastering Bridge requires understanding key topics: Bidding, Card Play, and Communication. Clear strategies involve using a deck, bidding boxes, and following specific rules. Effective communication is crucial for winning. This guide covers setup, gameplay, winning strategies, and special rules, ensuring you conquer the game of Bridge with ease.
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Jaws - Jaws, Ravensburger, 2019 — front cover - Credit: W Eric Martin

How To Play: Jaws

Jaws is a thrilling game where you manage resources and play distinct characters. The game phases include Amity Island and The Orca. Key strategies involve understanding roles like Quint, Brody, Hooper, and The Shark. Winning requires strategic planning and leveraging each character's unique abilities. Enjoy the adrenaline rush!
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Empires - Empires, WizKids, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher) - Credit: W Eric Martin

How To Play: Empires

Empires is a strategic board game focusing on resource management, optimal expansion, and combat tactics. Master resources, plan expansions, and execute effective attacks. The game includes setup, gameplay, and winning strategies. Adapt, watch opponents, and have fun. For a detailed guide, search 'How To Play empires'. Good luck!
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Visavis - Visavis image from the Gamerz website. - Credit: twixter

How To Play: Nexus

Managing resources, forging alliances, and planning endgame moves are key strategies in Nexus. The game's components include various tokens and cards. Setup and gameplay rules focus on strategic depth. Enjoy the process and have fun with friends while keeping these tips in mind for victory.
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